Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Cold has been DEFEATED; my setup is working!!


UL Shelter/Stove Geek
I am pretty excited about finally mastering the cold, after all of these years of nor mastering it, so I have to share.

The pack is a Horn Hunter pack off of Predators website. Awesome pack, and it has many padded buckle cinch straps for securing a tree stand, a bow, gear. The stand is a Lone Wolf Hand climber; notice how compact it packs. With the extreme cold, and me being a mobile hunter with no stand in the woods waiting for me, this setp is a must imo over a hangon, as too much handwork with bulky gloves/mittens on is required for easily and safely hanging my Lone Wolf Alpha and Sticks in this below Zero weather. The camo leafy thing on the back is my newly invented HardcoreHunter Inferno suit. it has open legs that are closed with plastic quick detach/attach buckles and NO Zippers(magnets to close the suit's upper for silent deployment. I have over 30 hours in this suit, and over 170 yds of thread..all hand sewn. The warmth is amazing and it was time well spent. Ripping the extreme cold weather down sleeping bag open to make open legs in it was a lot of work and hassle, but well worth it. No pant sleeve to have to try and slide a boot in in a stand; sleeves are created by closing the plastic buckles. It was neg 12 yesterday, and I was toasty warm.

And here is my invention; the HardcoreHunter Inferno Suit. NOTHING is as warm as this on the market, so I had to make my own. Zippers are no good either, so SUPER STRONG magnets were employed. I may be marketing something similar soon. We'll see how my free time goes. Thanks, and sorry for all of my excitement, but I put a lot of time thought into beating the cold and making my suit. My future plans will be for predator fleece to cover everythin

Snowclaw Irish Setter 2000 gr boots

Icebreakers over those once in the stand. This setup TOTALLY defeats the cold

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This is my prototype. It is a little rough cosmetically, but performs excellent. I can see this all done in Predator Fleece:way:
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That's pretty crazy looking, but looks well made and warm. I haven't been getting cold yet with my setup but I am only hunting 2 hours in the evenings and mornings.

Mine setup consists of a underarmour base layer, a pair of pants and a hooded sweatshirt. Then Cabelas MT050 Whitetail extreme parka and bibs. I wear an underarmour facemask and military mickey mouse boots. For socks I wear FoxRiver Gilbrator and wickdry liners. For gloves I wear underarmour liners with artic shield mitts with heat warmers in them.

So far I haven't gotten cold and am extremely happy with my new purchase of parka and bibs. I can still shoot my bow great so its not too bulky. The only thing that does get cold at times is my hands when I am glassing deer or taking down my treestand after the hunt.
Heckuva nice job Don. Adding the legs really made that setup ideal. Know what you mean by beating the cold, it can be hard to do when it gets this bad. REALLY opens up your options when you're not limited by time vs. freezing tail.
Sounds like you have it figured out too L4R. I will post pics of me soon shooting my recurve with this on.

I want to thank you all for the kind words and support!!!! A plastic quick detach buckle, located at the waist holds this suit up when I am ready to shoot. It eliminates the need for suspenders. I don't want suspenders in my suit. I also have a hole sewn in the upper rear of the suit, that I feed my safety harness strap through that also keeps the suit where I want it. Once I get this all done in a fleece camo, these will be where I want them. Imo, I don't care about waterproofness. Quietness is WAY more important then waterproofness for a bow hunter. These are designed for bowhunting in extreme cold. In extreme cold, it doesn't rain, but I prefer to not purposely bow hunt in the rain anyway. I can't track blood in the rain. I have other clothing for hunting in cold rain, if I think I have too, or am caught in it unexpectantly. I came up with this HardCoreHunter Inferno Suit, as I am a serious bow hunter, who wants unparalleled warmth and the perfection of fleece, as fleece is the quietest known product known for the bow hunter. That is also why I implemented the magnet closures. Zippers are like Velcro, they don't belong in the woods for a bow hunter. Bowhunter needs are much difference then a gun hunters', as we all know. I am not bashing any other of the available products, but I desired something different for my needs here in the midwest. Right now, it is -15 outside. Once again, thanks for all of your comments and support.
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I wonder what the neighbors were thinking hahahaha. But ya that definately looks like something that will kick this weather's butt. Good luck hope ya get your buck, anyone who hunts in this weather is a diehard and deserves it!!
I was just looking at this thing again and it would be neat if you could somehow sew in backpack straps on the inside and then when you are done using it you could somehow roll itself up and make it stay that way so that you could carry it to and from the tree like a backpack.

I know you use backpack to haul it in and so would I but most guys I know just carry their bow and coveralls to the stand. If you could somehow carry it like a backpack so it wouldn't be so cumbersome carrying under the arm I think that would be great as well. Just a thought if you were going to try to make them to sell.
I was just looking at this thing again and it would be neat if you could somehow sew in backpack straps on the inside and then when you are done using it you could somehow roll itself up and make it stay that way so that you could carry it to and from the tree like a backpack.

I know you use backpack to haul it in and so would I but most guys I know just carry their bow and coveralls to the stand. If you could somehow carry it like a backpack so it wouldn't be so cumbersome carrying under the arm I think that would be great as well. Just a thought if you were going to try to make them to sell.
I like the way you think. I have been using two black straps from a Double Bull blind case and cinching one way, then crossing the other, to tie for my backpack. Most guys don't carry their stand on their back and your idea is for them. Thanks, I appreciate it and I welcome ideas.
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lol...Some crude pics of me shooting a recurve. Not much different then regular clothes to shoot out of. These pics show how much freedom my legs have to move.


Or you could do what most everybody else does. Kill your deer before January. lol.
Oh, trust me, it really is a lot of fun.

Your bed looks like its in a closet. You know, a football coach just got in trouble for making a player spend time in a room bigger than that. :D
Ouch, did you get up on the wrong side of the bed.....and run into the wall?:moon::moon::moon::moon::moon::D:D:drink1:
Now we're talking. I had no idea you had left the dark side and come over to the good side of the force.:D Nice to see ya with a recurve.:way:
This suit your designing is looking better all the time. Nice work !
Thanks SB, yea, I had a friend in Ames build this takedown for me about 12 years ago. I killed a doe with it the 1st year I got it. I enjoy shooting it, but seem to always grab the compound for hunting. I am getting to the point that I want to be more of a trad guy, and long bows really have caught my eye. I met and talked with Byron Ferguson, and of course, once you meet him and watch him in person, you are inspired. Trad just takes a lot more skill and practice, and I haven't devoted the time to master it. I have been up to Bearfoot archery in Des Moines and he has some good shooters and quite a shop. Is he still in business?


Tom was still in business as of a year ago when I was there. HCO, don't mean to influence your choice but check out JK Traditions up Forest City if you get a chance. I have one of his Kanati longbows and love it. Instead of building many models, he's stuck with one model and perfected it IMO. Compact R/D design and short enough to hunt out of a blind if you wish. I actually bought mine as a resale from Tom of Barefoot.

Thanks for the info!!:way: I see it says in stock bows sold out. Is this normal, does he only custom build per customer, or are customers able to stop in his shop and shoot?
Thanks for the info!!:way: I see it says in stock bows sold out. Is this normal, does he only custom build per customer, or are customers able to stop in his shop and shoot?

His are customs. I think every once in awhile he ends up with one that somebody probably backs out on and puts them on that link. You're welcome to stop by and take mine for a test drive if you get to that point Don. I'm from the DSM area.
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