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Cold weather movement?


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With this drastic change of cold weather- more movement getting food? Worth getting out this afternoon? What are you seeing
I'm wondering if it's worth going out myself. I think they will move great in colder temps but all this wind is the real issue.

What do you guys think? Is it worth going out in 20-25 mph winds?
I was out this morning in this wind... spectacular morning!!! Trying to fill the last few doe tags, and the bucks were moving hard!! So waited on shooting does since my bro in law still has his anysex tag to fill..
I am gonna give it a shot this afternoon but am going in with very little expectations. Gotta try, but my optimism is higher for tomorrow. Cold and breezy on Sat. but not gale force winds like today.
If I had a big timber area to hunt I would be doing some still hunting. I'm still going to get out with the hope that something will be moving.
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