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Cold Weather Photos


Active Member
Set the cam up again this week 1/2 mile from the house. I don't poke around ral close to home, maybe I should. Got a bunch of bucks again, some decent ones. The weather got cold for 2 nights, -30 Celcius, I am not sure if that is why the pic quality on some isn't great. Anyways, here's to looking forward to shed season. Decent 5x5
This guy looks like a decnt 5x4, barky bases.


Not sure about the other side, looks like a split g2 on the left.

Quality isn't great here but cool pic, doe laying right in the scrape, buck sniffin' around.

Markin' it.

The frost tells me he's been running.
Looks like you have some decent bucks runnning around near home. That 5x4 has some decent tines.

For those of you wondering how cold "cold" is. -30 celsius is -22 fahrenheit. I had to grab a caculator to figure it out so I figured I would save someone else the time.

Ive never actually seen a sony lock up due to cold, but i guess your going to give it your best shot. Just make sure you turn the LCD screen off when you leave it.

Keep the pics coming Love to see them!
Bonker I do not want to talk out of turn but I have heard that the timing of the rut is pretty much the same as it is in the Midwest. If it was earlier they would be dropping fawns on the snow and the weather would be too cold for them to survive.
Bonker I do not want to talk out of turn but I have heard that the timing of the rut is pretty much the same as it is in the Midwest. If it was earlier they would be dropping fawns on the snow and the weather would be too cold for them to survive.

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess I never thought of it that way. You'd think then that the rut would actually come later because spring comes later up there.

I thought rut, or better put, doe estrus, was trigger by the shortening amount of day light. I thought the days got shorter quicker the farther north you went which would trigger an earlier estrus cycle, conversley, in the southern states estrus hits later due to longer days later in the season.

I know, there I go, thinkin again, I'm just hurtin the team.

The 'Bonker
I'm just a wannabe biologist so keep that in mind, but here's the details as I understand them. The shortening daylight hours trigger the release of hormones by the pineal gland. Keep in mind there is a difference between shortening of daylight hours and actual length of daylight hours. Put another way, It is the change in daylight hours not the actual length of the days that makes the difference, if that makes any sense. The length of days changes a lot faster the farther north you go. Here in northcentral Minnesota, they don't start the fourth of July fireworks until almost 10:30 at night, and it is dark as could be by 4:30 p.m. on Christmas. Where my sister lives in southern California, sunrise and sunset are at about eight oclock in the morning and evening, and it changes little year around.
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