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Cool locked bucks video

The video is cool is several aspects, but the one thing that is so obvious to me, and I wish it was to PETA and HSUS, is that Mother Nature is a cruel bitch. Perhaps it was Devine Providence that put those hunters there at that time to save both bucks. Who knows?

The ‘Bonker
OK- I don't care how rut-crazed a buck is... I cannot believe that buck went back at the other buck after having his antler shot off, 5 guys around him yelling, dogs and people that could easily kill him that he would normally think of as predators and run. If a buck is with a hot doe, in the middle of a fight, chasing a doe- WHATEVER, I've never seen them tolerate people- ESPECIALLY to that freakish degree. He also had to be exhausted. I just can't believe that part.
I think he was a little messed up in the head at that point. Who knows how long he they had actually been locked up. Im guessing it was a long time. Ive seen this in videos of when people cut deer out of fenses, they are dazed enough to not even run.
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