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Cool Story from QDMA


PMA Member
From bigeight on QDMA:

LC plot success!
I've shot a lot of deer and a handful of bucks that I DIRECTLY associated my successes with the information I got From LC .
So my 6 yr old girl has been chomping at the bit to go sit with daddy on a hunt. I figured there would be no better time than to teach her some valuable lessons about life and how amazing 1 person can be, and how they can affect everyone they speak with, without ever meeting, and how one person can change people's lives, and the lives of generations after, through education and faith .
So I sat down with her, with the computer and we read some of the threads started by Paul and how many people are blessed with his information. I showed her all of the things on Pauls threads that she was going to see on her first hunt.
Hinge cut edges for screening/funneling, hinged bedding areas, our clover, our brassicas, our grain mixes....etc.
So with the anticipation of her first hunt, and her new found knowledge of Pauls information, and the kind of person he is, his story, and how much it is going to affect The next generation (s) of hunters that will be blessed to hunt land that was influenced by Pauls teachings, we went to the craft store that night expecting a successful first sit for her a couple days later

10 minutes into her first sit, 5 does appeared walking through a gap in our edge feathering coming from our hinge cut bedding area into our LC mix of clover, then a few chose to feed in rows of standing beans with LC grain mix in between the rows, and a couple decided to eat in the LC brassicas in between rows of standing beans a little closer to the blind....

Thank you Paul for making my daughter's first sit with me a successful one, and teaching her there is much more that goes into a hunt sometimes than meets the eye.
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