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cougar sighting


PMA Member
I'd sure like to see one for real waterloocourier.com/breakingnews
It sounds legit but a bit scary. We a hunter would be a easy meal walking to/from our stands. Doesn't sound likely but could happen. I would be willing to bet that these are formerly captive cats that had either escaped or were turned loose. Either way, they would be a unique once in a lifetime sighting but I would rather a bobcat inhabited my woods versus one of these.....Shredder
That is only a couple of miles from one of my tree stands and about 10 from my home.

I can see it now, big brother takes revenge for all his relatives that I put into permanent cat nap. Muddy, I bet he is after you too.

The 'Bonker
Just to shed a little light on the lion situation, As long as you do not try to run away and stand your ground they will 99.9999999999999% of the time leave an adult alone. A child is another story. We are too large of a predator for them to risk attacking. Almost all predators will avoid attacking another predator due to the chance of damaging themselves. So, if you encouter one just be loud and throw stuff at the kitty and you will be fine, NEVER run since that will almost guarantee that it will chase and attack.

Also make it a point to let your kids know to never run if they come across one in the wild.

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