Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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i have a land owner that says there is a cougar on his land!!! Not only has he supposidly (cant spell) seen it a few times. He has shown me a spot that we suppose is his/her den (do they even have dens?) I figure that its that or one big fox. I saw it after it rained and there were no tracks. I've heard that they have a home area arome 50 miles. so could this ditch kitty just travel trhough from time to time or if this is a den does that mean that hes here to stay. I also want some pictures and wondered how i should go about investigating this. Could someone please educate me about these cats so i dont say or do anything to stupid. Thanks
I talked to a CO and he told me that they can have several dens,They have a pretty big area that they patrol and they don't usually,unless they are feelin aggressive walk into another lion area.Might be that on that day he decided to venture out a little ways but they do have one specific den that they call I guess home.
Good luck if you get the chance to get either a shot at him or at least photos,I love to see them.
Does anyone find it interesting that Iowa protects its bobcats but not its mountain lions? In this state, there is a hunting season for bobcats, but it's illegal to shoot a lion except in self-defense or if it is attacking livestock.
I bet its because there hasnt been a lot of proof. I mean i believe there is one in this area but most people would just laugh at me saying so.
The first thing I would like to know is how big a farm does your landowner have. If he says he has a cougar on "his land" and they have a range of 50 miles, he must have a pretty big farm ... for Iowa.

Mountain lions rarely use dens unless they have very young kittens. They usually abandon the dens as soon as the kittens are old enough to travel. 1-3 months old. Males almost never use a den unless it's to escape from another predator.

In lion country, females have a range of 20-50 miles, males have a range of 50-200 miles. Large male lions have bigger home territories than younger males. Some young males will disperse very far from where they were raised, 300-500 miles or more, especially if they are confronted by a dominant male.

Lions tend to make loops once they have established there territory. Large male lions often will cross the exact same spot in a saddle or divide once a week. Females every 2-4 days.

If a mountain lion makes a kill, a female with kittens will be back to the kill almost everyday for 3-4 weeks until everything edible is gone. Large males keep moving but will return to the same kill spot eventually. Younger males and lone females will return every 2-3 days until it's gone.

When a lion makes a kill they rarely eat more than what you can hold in your hand. For some reason they do not gorge themselves like dogs or bears will at a kill.

Wild mountian lions are constantly on the move, looking for food and sex. Females can come into heat anytime of the year, unlike almost every other animal out there, and mature males cover alot of country looking for females to breed.

A large male mountian lion is 150lbs. A large female is 100lbs.

A large female lion track 3.5-4.0 inches across. A large male lion track is 4.0-5.0 inches across. A large bobcat track that is four days old in melted out snow can be 5 inches across.

In country that has mountain lion populations, lions are often seen, photographed, shot during deer seasons, hit on roads, and occasionally seen in towns on the 6 o'clock news. They are curious animals that will follow people and often stand and look at you from a distance. They are not as elusive of creatures as many Iowan's think and generally provide more proof of existence than shadows, stories and three young males killed over the last couple of years.
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