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Cough Silencer ?????


Life Member
Do any of you have any experience with the Cough Silencer?

Are there imitations of the Original Cough Silencer out there on the market?

Does it truly work?
Thats another use for the kerchief!
Blake don't waste your money,it's basically a plastic tube with baffles,that's stuffed full of cotton.It's not worth the money,you could easily make a similar one with some type of tube and fill it with cotton,atleast that's my opinion.
I received one of these to feild test from North Amercian Hunter magazine. These things are a joke! Unless you want to sit for hours with it in your mouth it is usually to late by the time you can get it out. It does stiffle some noise but only if you can cough with your mouth arround a round tube in your mouth and compress your lips arround it. Not worth the effort!
That is the best remedy Iowachip,but unfortunately due to spring time allergies certain pollens itch my throat, and I can't help but cough at times.Nothing's more fustrating then calling a tom and having to cough.I tried everthing,coughing into your jackets shoulder area is just as effective as that stupid cough siliencer.Thank God, I don't get them coughing spells in the fall when bowhunting.
now seriously are items like this really necessary in the woods! in my opinion there is getting to be way too many accessories to take hunting with you! if you took everything on the market that all these so called professional hunters say helps you get the big one then we would need a C-130 to carry all our crap out in the woods for us! bowhunting is getting as bad as muzzleloading, the word "PRIMITIVE" in PRIMITIVE WEAPONS season has gone way out the window! come on COUGH SILENCER, give me a break! what's next fart silencer????? what ever happened to going in the woods and just hunting?
my 2 cents says stupid invention!!!
Did you froget about the blow-up hunter to sit in your stand while you are not hunting so the deer get accustom to an idiot in the tree ofer there. Don't worry he's harmless.... then WAMM-O! HA. Another great invention.
I'll take the Clinometer!
Split - Dont be stealing my ideas now, been working on the fart silencer, and scent lock underwear for months now. Also a 3 foot wide fixed broadhead called the "DEERCAPITATOR". Anyone intrested?
I have it and have not carried it to the timber. My father bought it for me. I too have many allergies. It does work, if you can get it to your mouth in time. The only time I would consider carrying it would be if I was sick or something.
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