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Could deer tolerate some human scent?


Active Member
Just wanted some opinions on a thought I have. Is it possible that deer could condition themselves to tolerate a certain amount of human scent before the associate it to instant danger? I hunt a farm that borders a pretty big campground, that houses people year round, and is hundreds of acres. My thought is that the deer population in the campground is very large and some deer may never leave it for all I know or on a limited basis. I wondered if any of you hunt in or around subdivisions, campgrounds, etc. and have ever noticed if you seem to get away with deer that aren't as nervous as other hunting ground you have. I am a stickler on scent control so I am not trying to suggest skipping steps in scent control or not hunting the correct stands for the wind. I guess I feel I have noticed it a little to start the year off and I am not sure if it is me thinking way to into it or what?
Whitetails are the most adaptive herbavore in North America. Your deer are just conditioned to look at humans as non-threatening due to constant reinforcement. Start throwing sticks at them from above and they'll catch on pretty quick.

I have hunted in a petting zoo type of area before.....park truck, get out, walk a few feet on the way to stand....WHACK! As one sits and stairs at you from 15 yards away. Don't feel bad, whack 'em and stack 'em while the gettin is good. Use it as a springboard for making clean quick kills. But also understand YES, you better get serious with wind, scent, and entry/exit strategies on non-conditioned deer.
Just like farmers in the fields etc. deer would be tolerant of people smells from the campground area. And even walking trails; people's yards etc. The minute the farmer or camper decides to invade the deers bedroom or dining room; the deer are put on high alert. I work all summer, and early fall on my land. I can mow within feet of does laying with fawns. Many times i can drive past deer on my atv without them even moving. The minute i leave the atv on the truck, and grab my bow to walk the same roads; the game changes.
Moving here from MI, I have noticed deer,,mostly bucks, will tolerate some human scent. In Mi just a whiff and they are gone. I have seen bucks cross my trail here with little concern. No way in MI. I have had deer even does around my stand for some time,,and the wind has changed right for them. I know they must smell something, but no reaction. Of coarse I take carefulent control, but I know they tolerate some human scent.
I think deer will tolerate human scent to a point! More so if it's familiar human scent!( EX. farmer Brown each nite!) same smell each nite!
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