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Couple Bucks -- Age

Hey guys, got these two on my last card pull. Wondering what you think on ages.
Buck 1:

Got his head out of frame on the last pic!

Buck 2:

Thanks. Pics are mid to late October. I am thinking 4.5 on the first buck, and 3.5 on the 2nd buck. But, I'm finding myself really second guessing ages this year and wondering if I've been underestimating in the past. The first buck was around last year, and I'm thinking I thought he was either 2.5 or 3.5, and think he was about the same size as the 2nd buck. I've seen both this season, and I'm really thinking the first is 4.5 but the 2nd is one of the deer really making me second guess. Would have called him 2.5 when he first walked in, but then got to thinking 3.5. Definitely seemed to have the "race horse" look.
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