Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Couple more bite the dust


PMA Member
My dad and I both shot the beaks off of turkeys this morning!
I was on private ground and he was on public.
Yesterday morning I had two toms in at 40 yards or so behind a brush pile and couldn't get a shot. This morning, I snuck in 20 yards from their roost trees and setup. One tom never gobbled once while in the tree or on the ground. The second one flew down behind me and to my left. While he was in the air, I swung around and he was on the ground for 2 or 3 seconds before he took a dirt nap at 0608. I was in the same spot as the two I shot last year and pretty much the same thing happened. It's nice to chase 'em for a day or two to experience the strutting and gobbling like I did yesterday... Just figured I'd get down to business this morning.

My old man shot his on public land at 0639 this morning.

My bird was 19 lb 14 oz, 10.25" beard, and 1" spurs.. the lightest weight turkey I think I've ever shot in 1st season.

My dad's bird was 23 lbs, 9.25" beard and 7/8 spurs.





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Ha! Great story. Would have been even better if you'd have dumped him on his way down! :D

Could you see him up there in the dark? You must be half man/half cat in the timber to sneak in that close and not have him bust you. :D
Ha! Great story. Would have been even better if you'd have dumped him on his way down! :D

Could you see him up there in the dark? You must be half man/half cat in the timber to sneak in that close and not have him bust you. :D

I was in the the woods at about 0520.. when I got to the area I wanted to go, I looked up and could see a hen silohuetted against the sky straight above me.. I krept along a sandy creek bottom another 30-40 yds to the tree I wanted to sit and could see two toms in different trees within 20 yards of me.. took me 5 or 6 yrs but I figured out the perfect route to get in and out without spooking anything in that spot
You boys do well every year, Billy!

I come to expect it from you! :grin:

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