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Cow hunting???


PMA Member
My brother was out sitting in a blind this afternoon on a field edge. He owns the land and has cows out there currently. I got a text from him at about 3:45 saying his cows were all around him at about 45 yards. Never helps out when hunting. Then about 4, I got this picture:

He said his hand was wet from cow slobber. Apparently one get really close and he punched it! Haha!
That is awesome. I remember on a hunt where I packed my climber in about a mile to get in and set without the cows knowing I was there. Didn't take long til they moseyed by and apparently didn't know what to make of the 200 pound squirrel 20 foot up in the tree. They hung around until dark and I even had a doe and fawn come by within range, but it sucked having those things around the entire time.
I had a little brown calf follow me around the other day, I finally had to chase 2 times to get it to leave me alone. Must have been bottle fed for awhile.
I used to carry a slingshot with me and shoot the lead cow with an acorn. They didn't stick around long.
I used to carry a slingshot with me and shoot the lead cow with an acorn. They didn't stick around long.

It has been years since I deer hunted an area that had cattle on it, but I used to have problems spring turkey hunting on one particular farm. I too used a slingshot to shoo them away.
Gotta love them Iowa blacktail. They're better eating and easier to hunt! Just the darn tags are so pricey...what are they up to now on the market?! lol
I've had cattle on my BIL's ranch come up and start rubbing on the elevated blinds (10-15' up) he has. That whole darn blind starts rocking. I'll have to remember the slingshot idea!
Haha Nannyslayer! Well my bro ended up moving to a different location to finish out the evening and shot a nice buck. He took a quick look for blood, didn't find any and wasn't sure of the hit, so he backed out and we will be out looking in the morning. I'll keep you updated.
Our property is mainly pasture with some woods and fenced off areas. It is good hunting but you are always dealing with the cows when going to or from you stand or especially if you are sitting one of the stands that isn't in a fenced off section of woods. They are a pain in the butt to say the least.

This batch of cows that is in there now is the worst. Usually you can just walk through the cows and they will scatter a bit and that is that. These basta*** barely move out of the way and then after you pass they start running up behind you. Don't want to say I'm "afraid" of a cow but when you are in the dark outnumbered 40 to 1 and outweighed by about a thousand pounds each it is a bit testy sometimes.

god couldnt have made a dumber animal

We couldn't agree more. We actually were just talking about how it's a good thing that cows are tasty because they don't serve any other function in life.
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