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coyote call


Well-Known Member
Just getting into hunting coyotes a bit so I don't know alot about it. For you experienced guys, to start is there one call that is best? Maybe a couple? Figuring to use mouth calls at first, nothing electronic.
I'm only a few years in, so am I experienced? No. I started with the primos lil' dog set for howlers and a cheap cottontail in distress closed reed call. Flextone I believe. For the howler, I would suggest getting an open reed call. They are a little tougher to master and will take some practice, but the range of calling and things you can do with an open reed is crazy. Whereas a closed reed is pretty limited.
Couple other questions...... Do you need anything more than a hunting license? And with all the guys driving around, do they need permission to shoot coyotes on private property? I would assume so?
Hunting license or Furbearer license is all you need. As for private property, yes you need permission anytime you are hunting private. I'm sure there are a lot of people pushing yotes that shoot and drive anywhere they want...doesn't make it okay. We have a few groups around where I live that push with their trucks. I would try it for fun but the satisfaction of calling in one or two dogs is what makes calling worth the effort in my opinion.
That's what I thought. So many guys drive all over. Maybe they have permission all over? I thought the way I read it using any type of vehicle was prohibited. I did find the trespassing section and though poorly worded it does say you can take a direct and unarmed trail after wounded game which I was unclear on. Good to know as I thought permission was required, even though I have gained permission in the past, hunter should have that right, within reason
Many use vehicles to drive around and try and spot coyotes. That isn't illegal just like it isn't illegal to use a vehicle if you happen to spot a deer. Also as far as permission goes yes, most get permission way ahead of time for entire sections and know what they can hunt and what they can't
The landowners and farmers don't really care much about coyotes and usually give the go ahead for coyotes once deer season is over.
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I don't believe there are any regulations against pushing coyotes with motor vehicles other than airplanes and snowmobiles. There are clear regulations on not using automobiles for deer hunting, but nothing with regards to coyotes other than the airplanes and snowmobiles (which are prohibited for all game).
I don't believe there are any regulations against pushing coyotes with motor vehicles other than airplanes and snowmobiles. There are clear regulations on not using automobiles for deer hunting, but nothing with regards to coyotes other than the airplanes and snowmobiles (which are prohibited for all game).
makes sense because you can use radio Communication for hunting coyotes.

From regulations.
You cannot use a two-way mobile radio
transmitter to communicate the location or
direction of game or furbearing animals, or to
coordinate the movement of other hunters.
Exceptions: Coyote hunters may use twoway
radios, except during the two shotgun
deer seasons. A falconer may use a one-way
mobile transmitter to recover a free-flying bird
of prey that is properly banded and covered on
a falconry permit. Hunters with dogs may use
a one-way mobile transmitter to track or aid in
the recovery of the dog.
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Good info, thanks. I am getting tons of yote pics and saw way more than ever before this year. 7 in one pack one morning. They are really messing with deer movement. Actually had 2 in the heifer pen couple days ago on our dairy farm.
Many use vehicles to drive around and try and spot coyotes. That isn't illegal just like it isn't illegal to use a vehicle if you happen to spot a deer. Also as far as permission goes yes, most get permission way ahead of time for entire sections and know what they can hunt and what they can't
The landowners and farmers don't really care much about coyotes and usually give the go ahead for coyotes once deer season is over.

I tried returning your pm several different ways but it says error. I got yours twice, any of mine make it thru?
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