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Coyote Count


Active Member
Just kinda wondering how all the coyote hunter are doing with all the snow that we have gotten.
Killed 3 since 1-11-04 have only been out a handful of times though. Hitting it hard this weekend will report back.
Killed two Sunday morning before the snow took over skies. Trucks holding up only lost a mud flap!
I think I'll start calling them, since the snow around here is pushing 2 foot deep.
Just one so far but havent really gone out. Thanks for the pic CI. Maybe we should try a little calling before the snows gone.
I do know some guys outside of the town I live in that use hounds.I have never watched them but everyone says it is pretty cool to see them run the yotes down and fight them.
Scott I.C. you bet we hunt all day long. We just stop in a place call and stay about 15 minutes if nothing we go somewhere else. I have had to put my sandwich and thermos of coffee down more than once to shoot them at dinner time.
The three other gentlemen I hunt with and myself have tipped over 10 coyotes so far this year. We have only had three days of good hard hunting but it looks as if there are plenty ahead
i am at 7 for the year and i have missed a couple more, looks like they are breeding like mad
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