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Coyote hunting

Delco Hunter

New Member
I just have bought two electronic calls for calling in coyotes. I'm new to coyote hunting and was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice on what time of day to go out and try to call them in (early morning/closer to night fall)? Any advice would be much appreciated.
Early AM and right before dark are the best times. If we have snow and a full moon you can call them at night too which is effective.
Early AM and right before dark are the best times. If we have snow and a full moon you can call them at night too which is effective.

The last couple years, we've stuck to the full/partial full moon nights when there is snow on the ground. It's an absolute blast! They seem to really be out and about in the middle of the night.
Last night probably would have worked! I was out in the yard around 8:30pm and I could see a long ways across the fields with just a little snow on. A nicely scoped rifle would have been killer!
Last night probably would have worked! I was out in the yard around 8:30pm and I could see a long ways across the fields with just a little snow on. A nicely scoped rifle would have been killer!

I did one set last night with no response. It was very easy to see. I could have easily seen a yote at 1/2 mile from the hilltop I was on.
The first thing to remember is coyotes are not dumb and they are learn quick. You need to play the wind just like deer. From my experience, your first time calling at a location will be your best bet so you need to make sure your set up is dead on and the conditions are right.

You can easily over hunt locations therefore you need a lot of ground. You will not kill coyotes every weekend on an 80 acre piece with the same old sounds and set up. They learn quick and will avoid you after the first few times trying. Also make sure you call from different locations to mix it up a bit.
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