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coyote with a bow - so close


PMA Member
Had a yote stroll in this evening to about 5 yards. It glanced at me a couple times and finally gave an opportunity to draw. Mid draw it looked at me and took off like its tail was on fire! Really got my nerves going once I decided I was going to shoot it. Oh well, next time.
Too Bad!!! I had one come in from about 140 yrds to stalk my doe decoy! Last 10 yd.s he was down on his haunches sneaking in! Wnen he got about 5 yd.s behind the decoy I let one fly! I woulda bet money I dbl Lunged him! :thrwrck::D Took about 3 Inches of hair off his back! He took off at Mach 2 across the field! I kinda wished I would have let him jump the decoy!!!:drink2:
I had 2 great opportunities last year at coyotes. I didn't take them due to trail cam pics of some nice deer that most likely would show up when I am not prepared. But this year I will hammer every one that I get shot at. :way:
I missed one at 40 yards on Sunday morning. I was just about 5 or 6 inches high on high on him. I saw him off in the distance and I used a whistle and kissing sounds to bring him in.
Hide-the-Hippy said:
I missed one at 40 yards on Sunday morning. I was just about 5 or 6 inches high on high on him. I saw him off in the distance and I used a whistle and kissing sounds to bring him in.

Had 5 of them come in atleast 2-5yards of my blind during Turkey season. The guy I was with wouldn't let me shoot one :/
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