Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company




First time out didn't get a deer but I did have a first. My first coyote!!!!!
With a bow!!!!!


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The yotes on my place are getting out of control. Coming out of my stand last week there were four standing in the cow pasture together.
Everynight, and I mean everynight, there are packs of them yipping and yapping. If I see turkeys that night, it is usually followed by a coyote sighting.

I would invite almost anyone to hunt the suckers following deer season. Slug season finds a few taking the big dirt nap on my place.

Way to go!!

I am a very avid coyote hunter (I call them in ) Never have I taken one with a bow. SOMEDAY......

I never see any out of my tree stands during deer season, but I do know they are in the timber I hunt. I killed a coyote about 4 years ago in the same timber that was pushing the 40# weight. Huge. Had three of them come running in at once that day. Scored on the big male and a little bitch, but another big male got away.

Nice Yote. Last year I had a group of about 6-8 does and fawns come running through my stand and sure enough here comes this big yote on their heels. I let an arrow go at it and it just slid over it's back at about 20 yards. Scared the yote pretty good. I am so gratefull for the practice shot because not more thn an hour later in walked the buck i ended up harvesting, it crossed my path at almost the smae spot the yote came in at. Nothing like a little practice to hone your skills. BTW, the buck ran about 80 yards and piled up after a double lung hit. I will attach the photo. First time attaching something so hope this works.


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Nice picture both deer and Coyote. I had three coyote pass within 20 yards of my stand in about a five minute time spand a few weeks back. I didn't think to hard about drawing on them. It was cool to see and I plan on doing some calling for them after deer season is over. My son Zach loves his mini14 and coyote hunting.
Great Job! Based on the shot it looks like a deer was very lucky he didn't show up!!
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