Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


S&S taxidermy rates around $350 for the full mount
According to a guy at the local sporting goods store Bass and some outfit called Jerry's does good work but their mounts fall apart after a couple years. So maybe I'll just keep looking! I guess that quick tanning the hide isn't the best way to ensure the longjevity of a mount.
I have got a couple deer done from Jerry and the life span on his deer heads is about 6-7 years. My oldest mount dosen't have a hair left on it, it is all on the floor. Kind of dishearting, however I did get it back in about 4 months from when i took it in. should have been more patient.
the guy here does them for three and they are nice, last a long time too. i got a nin year old rug looks like they day i got it back

I don't know about coyotes, but Bass
does a excellent job on longbeards.
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