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I have been thinking off a post to submit but every subject is covered high to low... My brother and I where talking about past hunting and I brought up a hunt in Pennslyvania. This crazy thing happened while I was in stand...I was watching a chipmunk gather acorns for about an hour on and off and all of a sudden a clump of acorns fell high from the top of the oak tree and knocked the little guy out for about 3-4 minutes, I couldn't believe that happened. What's your craziest or most bizarre thing that ever happened in the deer woods.
Needless to say this guy didn't collect anymore acorns that evening.
A friend of mine shot a button buck years ago with a muzzleloader. He got down and checked it out, and he felt its head and rubbed the buttons. He then walked over to my stand to see what I had shot. When we walked over to drag the button buck out it was gone? There was a huge pool of blood and no drag marks there was no blood trail, just nothing?

I heard something, that some people told me once i dont know if its true or not but they swear it is, so who knows. but the story goes, this guy is a big guy roughly a 300 pounder, he was in his tree stand and fell asleep, he claims that while sleeping he fell out of the tree and landed on a does back and broke it and killed it, would be hard for me to believe, just because if they can jump the string how could they not jump a guy falling lol but from everyone i heard the stories true
Nothing too strange here. Saw two squirrels chasing each other and one jumped onto the other one and they fell out of the tree from about 60 feet up. Didn't phase them at all.

Also saw a button buck coming down the trail and he stopped and pawed up a milk jug and rubbed his head all over it. He started coming my way and turned back around and gave the milk jug another round. Later I went over to check out the milk jug and it was all torn up. Not sure if it was all from him or if anybody else had picked on the milk jug.
Last fall I was walking back to my truck after the evenings hunt, and it was so peaceful that I sat on the ground by the field to watch the stars come out. After a bit I saw a white shape come waddling towards me. Big 'ol possum. I just sat there not moving and he came right up to me and sniffed my boots and stood there for a while. The logical side of my brain was thinking "rabies"
but the rest of me was thinking "this is just too cool..." He finally walked a few steps away, then turned to look at me and realized what I was... His eyes got all big and he high tailed it out of there. It was too funny!

PS, Another endorsment for The Ghost. I spray my boots with it.
This year on the last day of late muzzleloader my dad shot a small 8 pointer. Yeah it wasn't much of a trophy or anything but in the middle of its back was, another tail. Now it didn't have any cartilage in it or anything but there is/was about a 6 inch tall by about 5 inches wide tuft of white hair sticking straight up. Looked just like another tail. I have pictures of it I will try to post someday if I ever get this damned computer working good again.
No BS, true story! Five guys I know from Brewster MN went bear hunting up in northern Minnesota. The night before the hunt and well into the sauce one of the guys proclaimed, if I don't get a bear tomarro I'll hand you my balls on a platter! The next day, while sitting in his tree stand with a massive hangover he dozed off. Next thing he remembers is waking up in excruciating pain. It seams durring the fall out of the tree he hooked his scrotum on one of the tree hooks. Now the grapes were still connected but only by the vine. It was a half mile to road and another half mile to the camp. He managed to make it to the road carrying the precious jewels in one hand. Shortly after reaching the road he was relieved to see his buddys comming down the road in their truck. When the truck neared the disabled hunter they noticed him clenching his crotch. Oblivious to what had happened they busted out into laughter and drove right passed him thinking the most the would get out of him would be the satisfaction of making him walk back to camp. True story!
The man did get to the hospital and had his grapes sewn back on and his plumbing works fine, amazingly.

The funnist thing I ever saw was when a small mule deer buck put his head into one our lick tubs and got his head-n-horns cought. He ran around for about 5 min. bucken and kicken with some of the other deer in tow jumpin and chasing him like it was a game of tag. He finally squared up with a fence post and knocked it off.

For you city kids, a lick tub is a 55gal. barrel cut in half and filled with molassis for livestock.

Hunt on All4s
Years ago, I was turkey hunting in Stephens Forest with a friend. We weren't near any turkeys at the time, and I informed my friend that I needed to 'take a dump'. I walked down a steep ridge for about 75 yards, and proceeded to back up against a small tree, and drop my pants. A few seconds later, I hear all kinds of noise, and I turn around to see a hunter stand up and storm off in the other direction. I had walked within 20 feet of this guy, turned around and gave him a first class mooning without even knowing it.

At that point, there was nothing left to do but finish the business I started. When I got back up the hill, my partner said he had heard a commotion, and he had kinda looked in my direction. He asked me if I had seen another hunter down there. I said "Did I see him ? Heck, I almost pooped on him!". That was the only hunter we saw in that unit the whole time we were there. What are the odds ?
Have seen squirrels fall from the trees several times for no apparent reason. Once one even wedged in the crotch of a small dogwood after about a 30 foot fall. He just sorta hung there for a few minutes and then slowly, very slowly walked away.
Camoman, that is hilarious.I "ve often looked around a little, now I might be a little more conscious.
not really crazy, just neat...

i was rabbit hunting through some pines when i saw 2 rabbits running right at me. i started to sight and when i shot the first rabbit the second rabbit FLEW around the corner and LANDED on my kill!! it was a hawk of some kind!! it was so cool to watch it sit there and lay claim to my prize!! after a few seconds it finally noticed my mouth hanging open and flew off and was nice enough to leave me my dinner!!

good post, i had forgotten all about that adventure!! brings back some good memories!!

CamoMan - good one!! i'm sure that most hunters have a good story relating to dooking in the woods!! any time that i have "business" to take care of i make sure my weapon is within grabbing distance, i've made up my mind that if something comes by while my drawers are down i'm shooting it just for the story that i can remember!!
Muddy, if you can dook and shoot at the same time,thats,well,I don't think talent is the word I'm looking for.....
A couple years ago in shotgun season -- first season, my cuzin shot a lil dinky 4 pointer while taking a piss. The most crazy thing i've ever saw was one night i had a doe come out in the beanfield- i was lookin for nubs to see if it was a button buck-- didn't see ne, and it started makin a scrape. pretty soon a decent i believe it was an 8 pointer come in and chased it off the scrape and he started over on the scrape about 5 yards away from the one the "doe" made. Pretty soon the buck came right at me but was inline with a nice big O'l tree, it sat their for over 45 minutes and it got dark out and i never got a shot at it. it was my first year bow hunting, and first real incounter with a nice buck like that. Another great moment would be last years pheasant season. We chased a partially while- albino pheasant around the whole season, and on the second to last weekend of the season we got him, but he ran on us. A week to the day-- exact we walked the same patch of grass and we seen tailfeathers stickin out of a bush and their it was dead- something had chewed on it a lil bit, but my cuzin still got it mounted- it was a flat mount but still looks awsome.
muddy, one of my best friends shot a 140 class buck out of a brushpile while he was taking a dook, with his muzzleloader, missed it the first shot reloaded with his pants down and then killed it the second lol he is the luckiest man alive, the last three years he has gone out bowhunting a total of an hour and a half and shot two 130 class bucks and a 148 class buck off of my grannies farm and a 176 inch buck with a muzzleloader
I did have a bird land on a tree limb next to me once & before I knew it he was sitting on the brim of my hat, not too crazy but a freind of mine had a crazy experience in Maryland. He was bow hunting while sitting on a bucket against a tree by a fence at the edge of a field. For some unknown reason a couple of deer came running by him, the 1st one cleared the fence but the 2nd one ran into the fence & fell onto him landing on top of his lap. The deer apparently nocked itself out briefly, he slid his arms under it & lifted it off of himself & within a minute it came to & high tailed it out of there. Crazy but true!
My Dad wears a camo bomber type hat with big furry ear flaps when he bow hunts. One murky morning, probably over 20 years ago, he had an owl dive-bomb and try to attack the furry "squirrel" that was my Dad's hat. All he said was that once the owl saw that it wasn't a meal, he changed course and literally brushed up against my Dad.
Bout the neatest thing I have had happen would be little birds landing on my gun barrel while turkey hunting.......at least you know camo works!
went to bait my stand a couple years back and took my shotgun in case i saw any partridge, i didnt see any till i got back to the 4 wheeler and there were four of them sunning them selves on my gas tank. brave little buggers. they all lived for another day though.

Had a turkey fly into the tree I was hunting in and get within reaching distance. He looked at me for a couple of minutes and decided I was to big to be another turkey and flew a few tree's away. He helped me keep an eye out for deer. It was pretty funny watching him look at me, I would have loved to known what he was thinking (if they do?).
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