No BS, true story! Five guys I know from Brewster MN went bear hunting up in northern Minnesota. The night before the hunt and well into the sauce one of the guys proclaimed, if I don't get a bear tomarro I'll hand you my balls on a platter! The next day, while sitting in his tree stand with a massive hangover he dozed off. Next thing he remembers is waking up in excruciating pain. It seams durring the fall out of the tree he hooked his scrotum on one of the tree hooks. Now the grapes were still connected but only by the vine. It was a half mile to road and another half mile to the camp. He managed to make it to the road carrying the precious jewels in one hand. Shortly after reaching the road he was relieved to see his buddys comming down the road in their truck. When the truck neared the disabled hunter they noticed him clenching his crotch. Oblivious to what had happened they busted out into laughter and drove right passed him thinking the most the would get out of him would be the satisfaction of making him walk back to camp. True story!
The man did get to the hospital and had his grapes sewn back on and his plumbing works fine, amazingly.
The funnist thing I ever saw was when a small mule deer buck put his head into one our lick tubs and got his head-n-horns cought. He ran around for about 5 min. bucken and kicken with some of the other deer in tow jumpin and chasing him like it was a game of tag. He finally squared up with a fence post and knocked it off.
For you city kids, a lick tub is a 55gal. barrel cut in half and filled with molassis for livestock.
Hunt on All4s