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Creative mementos


Well-Known Member
I have seen posts where people are finding creative ways to showcase sheds. I have seen people take deer legs, bend and dry them to make a gun racks for the wall. I have a deer skin jacket that MidWestern Sports Togs made out of some hides I sent them. Well, as I was field dressing a doe (last day of special late antlerless only season), I got an idea. I noticed the uterus was swollen, so I tied it off with some string, cut it out and headed to work. No sense letting the crows or coyotes get it. I work in a research lab, and have read about "clearing a fetus". First thing the fetus went into formaldehyde. After a few days, I transfered it to an Alcian Blue stain solution to stain cartilage blue. At the present time, it is in a 4% potassium hydroxide solution, which is causing the muscle tissue to become clear. I can see that the knees are blue, as well as the lower portion (sternum) of the rib cage, the spine and the tail. Next, I will stain with Alizarin Red S, which binds to the calcium in the bones. Thus, the leg bones will be red with blue ends. After all the staining is done, I plan to encase it in clear methacrylate resin to make a paper weight for my desk. It should be quite the conversation piece. It is already drawing attention. Slightly disturbing
, but a great anatomy educational tool.

What is your "strangest" memento?
Well, I'm finally done with the preparation of the 2 month old fetus. It is in polyester resin, sitting on my desk. I could polish it some more if I cared to. Unfortunately a few bubbles formed as the resin cured. Not bad for my first attempt. When I process the twin, I know a few things I will do differently. I don't have a website to post the image on. If anyone wants to see it, I can email you a jpeg. I've got it down to 40Kb.
I would have to say that's taking it to a whole nuther level.

Good luck and I am not sure but I think some would like to see the finished product in the photo gallary.
I just uploaded the image to the unfiltered area of the photo gallery with the name of "paperweight".
???. and people say I have too much free time. Should be intresting.

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I don't think it's your time people say you have too much of.
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