Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

cryptorchid buck

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Thinkin Rut

PMA Member
I pulled this card on Sunday and found this buck in velvet on November 13th. Should be a fun one to watch.
That's cool, should be interesting to see what this buck looks like year 3 and year 4. If he makes it that long.
His body looks to be a little older but it's hard to tell because their necks don't swell. My guess his frame won't grow but will add mass and odd points. He has fairly large bases right now. I think it's the condition cactus bucks have.
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^^^ Ageed looks like he has age. I've had a few come in over the years. As they have male issues:) it takes a few years for the antlers to get big as they never shed and the antlers never quite growing. Good Luck on him in the future as they make beautiful mounts.
Could it be a doe with antlers? I don't see the tarsal glands really rutted up like a normal buck would have for November 13th.

Plus a doe with antlers a lot of times don't shed the velvet and they grow funky racks as they mature...

Just a thought to throw out!!! Sweet deer no matter what! Definitely a deer to follow the next few years
Could it be a doe with antlers? I don't see the tarsal glands really rutted up like a normal buck would have for November 13th.

Plus a doe with antlers a lot of times don't shed the velvet and they grow funky racks as they mature...

Just a thought to throw out!!! Sweet deer no matter what! Definitely a deer to follow the next few years

My first thought as well
His testes could have been damaged as well which could cause him not to shed velvet. My buddy shot one in December with velvet a while ago.
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