

Well-Known Member
I saw a 6 point buck this morning. His rack makes me guess he is at least 2.5, maybe 3.5 years old. He was shadowing a doe, had her alone in a corn field. I think they were a "pair". Though not what I want to fill my tag with, I think he needs culled. Opinions? At his age, what are the chances he will add enough points to be a trophy deer?
Its all what you think, does he look as if he might be malnurited or how was the crop in the area, is there any weakness to him. or is he just lacking good genetics. If so pull him from the crowd and improve your QDM.

Here is a picture of a buck that roamed my neck and I figured him to be around 4.5 to 5.5 from the sightings of him behind our farm in NY. This buck definitly didn't have good genetics!
I don't know about taking out one lesser deer. It seems to me that unless several inferior deer and a ton of does are removed each year, then it really doesn't make a lot of difference. If you have extra tags, that might make it a better idea. I still subscribe to the idea that if the deer gets my heart racing, then that is the one I will try and shoot.
If it were me I wouldnt shoot him, I would wait out for the buck you want and if towards the end of the season he rolls around and you want to be done i would smoke him. Otherwise I would just hope the shotgun hunters get him, I think as far shooting one inferior deer is about pointless, there are many many inferior deer out there, a buck that grows to be a 150 class but never gets any bigger is an inferior buck to me. The bucks that grow the 170+ inch racks are the ones we want breeding, and probably only 25-35 percent of all the bucks on the property you are hunting, if they were allowed to grow would make boone and crockett, so the other 65-75 percent, in my opinion are all inferior deer, it's a tough one to call, goodluck