Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Cutting it close!


I started a new job in Des Moines three weeks ago and will soon be moving into an apartment in WDM, probably this week. I'm guessing I need to get my drivers license and vehicle license changed from my current state of South Dakota to Iowa to become a resident of the state of Iowa? Is that correct?

However, I see that the IDNR is going to make me wait 90 days :eek: to apply for my resident game tags!! If I get all this done this week that will put me late into Oct before I can bowhunt Iowa...just in time for the rut! That's cutting it close! :way:

means a natural person who meets
one of the following criteria.
1. Has physically resided in this state as the
person’s principal and primary residence or domicile
for period of not less than 90 consecutive days

before applying for or purchasing
a resident license and has an Iowa drivers license
or non operators ID. A person is not considered
a resident under this paragraph if the person is
residing in the state only for a special or temporary
purpose including but not limited to engaging in
hunting, fishing or trapping.

Page 8 outta this years hunting regs hand book.

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Well Tomo. No Cornshucker RED is allowed in the state so I will be sending you a care package full of black and gold bliss so you dont have to hide when the Hawks play your fuskers... :D:D:moon:
SDbow-I just went through this last year as I moved back from Oregon (9 years away) in July. Feel free to PM me, I can tell you one appt not to live in, we bought a house 5 months ago. Let me know if I can be of assistance...
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