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CWD, Bacteria not prions???


death from above
I found this very interesting. There is a article in Deer & Deer Hunting that talks about new research on CWD and whether it is caused by Prions or a Bacteria. Here is a link to a excerpt. http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=159&f=2604&t=8476032

I can't get the link to D&D to work right now, but I will post that later. This could be a major breakthrough in the treatment of CWD or even the way that states manage their herds. Interesting none the less.
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WELLLLLLLLLLL, IF you delve deeply into the CWD thing, you will find that the "Prion" theory is based on VERY suspect research that was done ONLY one time. And NOT replicated. The Dr. that did that research was controversial to say the least. I have NO expertise in the matter, but ONE unreplicated study does NOT make me comfortable with the "Prion" theory.

I can provide the author and title of a book to read. Or pm me if you want to.
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