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CWD Testing


Well-Known Member
After having the DNR just stop and take my deer heads for testing, it was a nice feeling. Knowing that they are out there pushing for testing. I talked to him for awhile, and he said he never talked to a single group that said numbers were up. Said every group was having hard times filling tags, no one wanted to shoot does, so they were shooting spikes and fork horns because numbers were so low. Also, no bucks over 140 were shot that he saw within 4 counties. I talked with him a bit more about how the farmers want all the deer down, and how the hunters want the deer numbers up more. So I think these next few years could get very interesting.
Ya... I could go on and on about this. It is definitely going to be interesting... Not even sure where the best place to start correcting this issue is, just got to inform others in your area of what the trouble is and keep them informed. Very unlikely any laws are going to be passed to help us hunters out... it is going to take self regulation among the entire hunting community.
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