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Dad left for Iraq today


Well-Known Member
My Dad left for Iraq today. He's in the Army & will be gone 18-20 months. He'll be in Mississippi for a few months for training & then to Baghdad. He's my hunting buddy, deer & turkey. We do some fishing too. He's going to be missed greatly by all of the family. We can't wait for him to come back. He's a good person & makes me proud.
Take lots of pics this season to share with him. I am sure he will miss the time that could have been spent hunting with you.
Hold you head up HIGH !!!!!! You dad is one of many great men that are in our Army..... He will do his Job like he has trained for and I hope he and all the other men and women will get to come home soon.. He will be in our prayers..... AGAIN KEEP YOUR CHIN UP HIGH !!!!!!
Keep your head up high handcannon, My name is SrA Stephen Conner serving with the U.S. Air Force in a little country of Qatar supporting the war on terrorism. Our F-16's from Des Moines Iowa are routinely flying missions to protect the troops on the ground. Soon it will be the F-15's from Lackenheath AFB England doing the missions. We are up there 24 hrs a day 7 days a week just in case your dad needs some air support. Tell you dad to stay safe and the iowawhitetail website is available for viewing overseas. I get on it atleast once a day to see how things are going back home. If you need help dealing with it or if you have questions dont be shy about PM me! I will try to answer what I know and if i dont know i could find someone that might. It is hard but hang in there and it will go by faster then it sounds.
SrA Stephen Conner
You'r Dad makes us all proud!
Your Dad is a true american and we should all be proud of him. I know I am. He will be in my prayers. I would like to thank him and bowhntr4life ,and all service members on this site for thier service to our country.
I want to thank the whole military for preserving our freedom. We are forever in debt to people like your father. Just be proud of him! He'll be back before you know it. God Bless America!
Every one of us are deeply indebted to the men and women like your dad. Deer season will never seem so sweet as the first one you share again together when he arrives safely home. Thank you to him and you for the sacrifice.
My thoughts and prayers are with your dad and your family. I can't help but be thankful, to everyone who is serving or has served, for what they have done for this great country. God bless you all.
I feel very fortunate to have people like your father taken care of all of us here. My prayer will be with him.
The folks above me have summed up everything I was wanting to say. God bless and our family will keep your family in our prayers.
After serving in the Army myself and being in some bad places, It always felt good knowing people like you guys cared and were thinking about the military. Thanks to all who replied to this.
Handcannon,tell your Dad about all these replies and that we all appreciate what he is doing. Good luck to you and your family!!!!
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