Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Daily Report!--success and pics


Premium Platinum Member
Well I went out last night to roost some birds. I think I mentioned it in another post, well a came over the railroad tracks and two were strutting right there. I hit the dirt and they didnt spook. they had jakes and hens with em. I put them to bed and we went out there this A.m.

It was the three amigos this morning.(without the big hats) Me, Dad, taylor, 17. the "easy" four hundred yard access was flooded so we couldnt go that way, so we had to go the LONG LONG WAY. about a mile ( i exagerate a little.) So we finally get down there. We are running a little late. but we get set up. Very Quiet mornign
The couple toms only gobbled a few times and then flew down across the river with hens. well i take that back we did have one going for a short time. THEN when we got up at 7 to make a move on the toms. The hens on our side were all still roosted???? weird.

Well when we had that tom going. I thought I should get my release out and I dropped my Lightsout custom call and it hit my limb just right to shatter it. I just had the glass redone because I broke it before. (I also broke a cody last year) I am kind of a clutz.

Well that wraps up this morning.

Went out after class at 4:15. I pulled into a public access to change my clothes. I take a leak, open up the trunk. and I HEAR A TURKEY WALKING!! You know the distinct sound the make walking in the leaves. Way different than a deer or something

Anyhow, I grap my bor, with my belt un buckled and before I can get my release on he pops over the hill 15 yards in front of me.. He figures what is going on and bails! bummer. Well then I went to my spot. to make a long story short. duked it out with some hens, called them in. they hung around, and no tom showed.

Then right at dark I had to pee so bad i couldnt wait, but didnt want to take down the blind and scare the birds, so I tried to go out the window. IT Didnt work. I put away my "wet" blind and came home.

Dad roosted 13-15 birds for the morning. I have a feeling its gunna be the same as this morning. well give it a shot though.

Re: Daily Report!

just for kicks I'll prolly add to this daily. SOOOO you may just want to open it once!
Re: Daily Report!

I hear ya, birds were kinda quiet for us this morning. We weren't real close to them but we kinda expected to hear more than just one gobble from the one bird? Oh well, we'll see what Wed. brings!
Re: Daily Report!

pretty worthless day to be honest. packed in to the public ground this morning i havant scouted or anything yet. i get in there and the birds lit up. AND I GOT ONE 30 yards from me in the tree. I could of whacked him in the tree... Couldnt bring myself to do it. haha. I would of felt too bad.

It would have been no big deal but i had deeks out. bird gobbles and gobbles at everything i got. then flys down the other way.

miday i have some hen battles..... BORING

Evening, long evening hunt.. roosted 4 toms though. the bad thing was they had a butt load of hens.

Also found a dead eight pointer that i brought home.
Re: Daily Report!

this morning was worthless. woke up late and went to a local spots.

birds hit the ground and shut up........ game over
Re: Daily Report!

still got some time,
somthing will turn up
good luck!!!
Re: Daily Report!

In the SW part of the state they were going nuts this morning...I probably heard at least 12 different birds! Make that 11 cause 1 took a dirt nap from an arrow passing through him!!
Re: Daily Report!

heard a few this morning, 4 to be exact. Once they hit the ground only one bird gobbled twice more and that was it, never even seen one. They are still out there but I hear ya on the birds being quiet.
Re: Daily Report!

Then right at dark I had to pee so bad i couldnt wait, but didnt want to take down the blind and scare the birds, so I tried to go out the window. IT Didnt work. I put away my "wet" blind and came home.

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haha nice! im guessin you arent the only one who has tried that one.. maybe bring a bottle with ya next time! haha
Re: Daily Report!

Then right at dark I had to pee so bad i couldnt wait, but didnt want to take down the blind and scare the birds, so I tried to go out the window. IT Didnt work. I put away my "wet" blind and came home.

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haha nice! im guessin you arent the only one who has tried that one.. maybe bring a bottle with ya next time! haha

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Thats funny because I just about gave that a try yesturday but I changed my mind. Glad I did.
Re: Daily Report! Pictures added

WEll this is gunna get long I suppose.. full of mistakes. because the bowhunter in me showed up and not the archer.

It all started thursday night. we head over the the place were we camp for the weened and as we get there there was a bid in the ditch by our camping area and made a weak attempt at that bird. than I took dad up to the farm to drop him off and we see a tom strutting... geez. picked off!!! so He goes and sets up and I head back to the camp site. THERE IS THE TOM AGAIN!! No luck.

so i go set up about 300 hundred yards from dad on the other side of the point. and put out the decoys and I hate to say.. I layed down for a nap. well i woke up to the wind about blowing my blind over and 20-25 turks behind me. There were 3-4 toms in the group and i called away 5 jakes. they stood behind my blind at 3 yards and finall came throught he fence. I whacked one at 12 yards.


Next morning came and I called in a tom to 35-40 yards, in the brush. spitting drumming and his hens flew down behind him and he turned around. i chased him for about 1 mile, and when i came back there was a tom 15 yards from my blind
GONE! here is the set up.

That night i set up and was in a low spot out of the wind in a green field. well i put out so deeks close, but I thought I wanted to be seen sooo, I put a jake out at about fifty yards on the rise.
Called in two toms one went riht to the jake and I missed a windy 55 yard shot. He was facing me in half strut, and it went right over his left shoulder. I know that it was rediculous to take, but i can make that shot! I know I can. well not today. that rapped up friday, and i knew where they roosted.

So the next morning came and me and my partner in crime set up the blinds with just the pretty boy in the middle. it was thiry yards. well the toms flew down and cut the corner. and couldnt see the decoys. so i crawled in the bottom of the blind and took a nap, only to wake up to something in the field. A tom was standing right at the pretty boy and Bill had shot once already i nock an arrow and start to draw and he flings another and the tom had enough


It looks farther but it was like 24 from mine adn 27 from his. O WELL!!! saw two more toms that morning. they cut the corner adn never saw the pretty boy.

Then saturday at noon. We saw a tom and i put the stalk on him and got to 30 yards. I whacked him but the shot was back!! ewwww. well we found him under a brush pile and he ran away and i think he flew and we looked for 3 hours and i went and looked this morning. i feel sick.

here is a pic putting them to bed.

Pretty boy.

Re: Daily Report! Pictures added

great log throughout the hunt, i am glad you got one after all of that hard work, nice job
Re: Daily Report! Pictures added

well another day in my neighborhood. I went to the area where tay (MQ32) shot his bird yesterday. He told me where there were 3 other birds yesterday. well they sure as heck werent there this morning. Not a single gobble,

So i went and check a few spots, I saw two birds, thought they were jakes, I called them to the road ditch. Two hens. BUMMER!

Went two the next spot, These birds clearly did not get the memo that it is fourth season. There were about 15 birds in the MIDDLE of a huge bean field. there were six strutters. Well one was following 3 hens to the far corner. I went to cut them off. instead of waiting in the corner I went to a stand of pines, that were 150 yards from the corner. I get to them. the hens were feeding 30 yards from me. YES!! the tom was still at 70, gobbling and strutting. IN 20 mile an hour winds. STupid birds

well he got as close as 45 and passed to the corner, I kick myself wonder why I didnt have a 4th season gun tag. Dang bow. with the wind and the situation there just was not a shot. so I snuck down the fencerow to the corner. got to 25 yards. and no shot, too brushy. he gets away.

So I turn back to the other birds. Circle around.. Im at 100 yards. sit down, yelp yelp yelp. double gobble, followed by another tom. SWEEEEET! coming in gobbbling and struttign. 75 yards. EEERRRt they put on the brakes, they are not gunna walk through that swamp. NO WAY!!

the worked off. I will be in the windy field tommorow for round two.
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