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Darn Moultrie..buck funnel


Active Member
I found a great funnel last winter.It's maybe a bit close to a grid road but lots of buck sign last winter. I've been getting a bunch of diff't bucks crusing throught there at night lately. I yanked a homebrew out and out a moultrie up a week or so ago. I've always claimed they can hear it, pretty sure this guy did.


He ended up coming back arounf to check it out awhile later,

The moultrie leaves a bit to the imagination too, luckily for me I remember just how chocolate brown his antlers were last yr. He didn't grow a bunch, but got some more character and is a yr older, a yr wiser, a yr more desirable to me.
That deer certainly did see (or hear) the camera, but doesn;t seem to mind it. I'm not real sure about them IR camera's. I like the color pics and havnt had a problem with the flash spooking a buck yet. It seems that in all the pictures I look at, deer are just as apt to be looking at an IR camera as they are at a flash camera. Thats a great deer. I know I wouldnt hesitate on him....well, unless I lived in Rapidview, then I'd maybe think twice. I heard just recently there was a great buck killed somewhere west of you. They told me 220's but the story didnt come from anyone up there so who knows.
I'm betting he heard it. I can always hear the shutter on mine go off when I approach it to pull my card, I'll guarantee a whitetail can as well.
He's a great lookin bucks though:way:
They are a little loud but the deer on my farm seem to be used to it. I have started using the Covert II cameras and they never look straight at it when it triggers. Nice buck by the way Kaare.
I like the color pics and havnt had a problem with the flash spooking a buck yet
I'm like you Dan, I plan on getting a homebrew back in there this week due to the number of different bucks going through. I like to see what their antlers look like...in color. So far there has been 6 bucks 4 1/2 or more moving through that funnel the last few days.
Great buck! If you get another Moultree, get the d40, I have an I40, then I bought a d40 this year to save some $$. I'd take the d40 everyday of the week over the no-flash camera. MUCH quieter too...
I knew he'd look better in color, glad I put the homebrew in there, I always like to see antler color. Someone busted his left crabclaw g4 off.

When they hear the shutter and stop to look...I have it on the 3 burst so I can get all the different angles so it seems to work in my favor since they can hear the shutter going off. :D
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