Well-Known Member
Today at work I was walking down the hall when I run into some co workers. They're talking about a dead deer in the delivery area. I'm like, "yeah, whatever" but since I am a scientist I always investigate thoroughly.
I'll be damned if there wasn't a dead doe fawn laying in our room with all the big oxygen (and others) tanks! I've seen deer all over the place here at the lab (outside) so it wasn't really a big surprise that one finally ended up dead. Now, ending up dead INSIDE a room was a little shock. My best guess is that she somehow slipped and ended up through the window and whacked her head on the concrete as there are zero signs of struggle and no human tracks outside that would point to a prank.
I dang near volunteered to take her home and process her but decided against it in the end.
I dang near volunteered to take her home and process her but decided against it in the end.