Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Dead deer!


Active Member
We have been hunting this guy and as we traveled to our stand sight Saturday morning we found him dead. Blue tounge I suspect. We did meet the future mayor of Norwalk sitting only a 100 yards or so away from us. After the first exchange of rattling I pretty much knew we were'nt alone. He has since logged on as Weekendhunter9

This guy is in the low 150s and we think 4 1/2 years old. He did not make any big jump from last year, just mast mostly.

John I am going to look for them now.
He looked like a nice one - hope he passed his genes on the last couple of years.
After seeing it in the area about four years ago big and bad this just made me think of it. It could have been anything really. I don't think coyotes would take down a large mature buck but who really knows. He was withing 500 yards of two roads, maybe a car killed him.
I don't think coyotes would take down a large mature buck but who really knows

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I've found a couple big mature bucks that the coyotes have yanked down. I know it was coyotes b/c both were found in fields I had shed hunted the day before and they were not there. Of course that was in winter so the pulling down of a mature deer by coyotes is more likely then.
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