Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Dead in the spread (video added)

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Active Member
Its been a rough 3 days so far.

I went out opening morning only to put a bad shot on a stubby bearded bird. Then we scouted that afternoon to try and get Steve(77crew) a bird but that's his story to tell.

Fast forward to this morning and Steve is at my house at 0400.

We made to the hunting spot and were setup by 0500. Early but is there a such a thing is too early.

No gobbles were close when they started. But after fly down we had two different birds work toward us only to hang up.

At 0750 I told Steve I need to make an emergency evacuation. So I frantically start looking for the TP. Crap I didn't get put back in the rackpack. So I head to the woods that are 100yrds from the blind to do my business. I am down one face mask now. :D

I get back in the blind thinking that if there was any birds in the area they were now gone. I am about to tell Steve lets start packing up, when we hear a gobble not far off from the woods I had just I had just come from. We look at each other in shock.

I will let the video tell the rest of the story. It will be up after I get it edited:way:
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The timber owns a lot of my cotton camo gloves for that same reason. Nice bird! (running now to check my tp supply in my pack)
Here is the video. I am no producer like Thomas. It is 8mins long. He came across a 200yrd field left his hen that is in the beginning of the the video to come to my dekes.

No TP mod for the rackpack, going to take Muddy and THA's tip with the baby wipes.......wait maybe I could get the rackpack to squirt water like a bidday or what ever those things are called:D

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At 0750 I told Steve I need to make an emergency evacuation. So I frantically start looking for the TP. Crap I didn't get put back in the rackpack. So I head to the woods that are 100yrds from the blind to do my business. I am down one face mask now. :D

Ewwww! Those are mesh! :D

Nice video, good going!! You guys are making me jealous with all of these harvest stories!!
That is Great!

I'm glad Steve has to hunt with ya Mr. Poopy pants!! Pampers are cheap!! :thrwrck: Congrats! Least ya went before you shot the bird!! :D
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