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Dead Ringers Kill Switch


PMA Member
I stopped at my buddies house tonight because he just relieved in the mail his Killswitches by Dead Ringer. It weighs 150 grains and when open has a 5 inch cut. I'm going to stick with my Bullheads for now but I sure want to see what kind of damage they do. Any one else going to try them and what are your thoughts. _zpsukqw2dck.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
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Good gosh. Wish I was putting a 1000 grain arrow at 500 fps with that head through a deer! Whoa. I don't think a turkey is gonna be doing too well after being cut in half. Not a turkey hunter so dunno but that sure looks crazy.
I know they are not designed for body shots but I wonder how they would do. You would think if you got half way in them they would be dead.
Oops!!!! I learned a lesson today on managing my Photobucket account ( deleting photos) that it would also delete them on here so..... Here they are again. Sorry for the inconvenience
I used a 3" NAP FOC last year on a bird with an #80 bow and 470 grain arrow. At 10 yards got 2" of penetration. Granted it was a blunt head but I learned my lesson on diminshing returns on bigger cut heads. May eat crow but man Thats a BIG head :0
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