Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Dec. 3 buck

josh macfarland

New Member
Killed 19 1/2 in. inside spread 10 point 5 on one side with 4 and a kicker on the other. My best deer to date.

Don't have a computer to post pics so my profile pic is the deer. I'll tell the story now.

I had gotten in my stand late that morning. After 30 min. I saw a small doe trotted on though. At 8:00 I could hear a deer walking in a thick brush line. At 8:10 a 7 point came out and 20 yds behind him was the ten point. As soon as I saw him I new he was a good deer. Stopped him and when he stopped his shoulder was be hind a tree so I shot him in the neck. Be went all of 2 feet to the ground and never moved.

I've have hunted for so many years and finaly got it done!
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Oh yeah here's yer pics




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