Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Decent City Buck


PMA Member
Hung my cheapo trail cam by my parents house in Cedar Rapids to see if i could get any pictures of some bucks in the neighborhood. I checked my card after 24 hrs, and i got a picture of this nice 10 (might be 9) pointer trottin by. The quality isn't the greatest, and nighttime pictures are horrible, but this was a decent picture I thought. It would be cool if he was nice enough to drop them antlers in their backyard sometime soon. I have seen bucks around their house still holdin into April, so I won't give my hopes up.

Anyways, just thought I would share the pick with y'all!

Yeah I tried to zoom in a little but can't figure it out, plus it made it more blurry. I saw this buck about 30 yards away a few weeks ago and he looked like a stud. This cam was only 50 bucks, so I thought I'd give it a try.
Well, unfortunately, there are licensed and insured professional companies that do this and, if you just show up and start to take away their business, they will not be happy about it, and, since we are talking about New York here.
may have to go to tractor supply and get some corn to sprikle around back there, maybe make a shed trap or something?
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