Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



Active Member
It's a toss up as to where to hang a stand. Literally! :D:D:D

I dunno Jay, maybe you could find someone to sew you a hammock and split the difference between those two trees! :D

Now who do we know that could sew something up like that....

:D :D :D
Haha, nice! The hammock idea is great!

I think the far tree looks to be a great prospect for a big treehouse, built right into the 'V' :way: That would be one comfortable stand.
I'm not going to show this to my wife...she would be ready to move!!! I can hear her now...two stands, you only need to stands?!?!?! whoooo hoooo
I've got to say, the hammock idea is great!:way::D:D Plus, there should be enough twigs there to fire one of those little stoves.;)
Seriously though, I drive past that pasture on the way to my hunting ground. It's about 4 miles south of where I hunt. Surprisingly, about every late winter, I will see a group of bucks trotting past those trees.
It would be more appropriate to see Bison or Pronghorns.:way:
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