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Deep Sleep

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Friday I was out hunting in the cold. First day it was -5F below I think. WOW, were the deer in a deep sleep or what. I walked up on several deer that were maybe 10 yards away in deep cover curled up in a ball, head down, zzz zzz zzzzz. Get my gun ready, take one step to the left for a clearer shot, and the deer pops up so fast I think it was spring loaded. Missed that one.

Next one was bed down in a little patch of trees in a depression in the middle of a 40 acre hay field. She was so sound asleep, I just set up about 20 yards away, take the shot. She falls over, never knew what hit her. Through both shoulder blades and spinal column. She was still alive but not going anywhere.
Yeah in my experience with this cold weather, the deer do more bedding than moving...don't know how that's possible but when they all bed down together and use eachother's warmth, I'd imagine they get pretty comfortable. Congrats on the deer.
Same here,it's really slowed down as far as deer movement where I hunt.I might head into a big patch of Cedar's later this week and see what is going on in there.
When the weather gets cold, deer metablolism slows down. They move less to conserve energy. Possibly, we should give em a break,,as they are trying to survive? Just my opinion.
I almost posted on this very same topic. Saturday I was out in the -12 temps for a walk / stalk. I walked up on multiple deer that were in a deep sleep. Unfortunately, they always had at least one look out with it's eyes open that caught me before a shot could be taken. This sequence repeated itself several times over several hours. Interestingly, many were bedded right on the field edge and highly visible. None were far from the food.
I have a bad habit of looking for deer while driving. Just today I seen 4 different groups of deer bedded. Not far from roads. On hillsides with the sun shining on them. At the place I hunt, some of the deer are bedding right in the standing corn. But they are going to the cut beans just right up the hill 100 yards to eat.
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