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Deer Cam Question



Hey I am experiencing problems with my trail cam. I have had two rolls of film that have been of nothing. I was wondering if the sun has an affect on if it takes a picture or not.
Yes it can.
Try to face the camera north. Espically in the open. What kind of camera is it?
I had that with a cam that would automatically rewind when the roll was done. It would show a bunch of hits on the counter but it turned out the batteries didn't have egnough juice to run the rest of the camera. I was processing rolls that hadn't been exposed. Needed new batteries every roll so I quit using it. Think it was a steath something or other.
Go Digital Hawkeye!!!

You will never look back...
I have a few of the cheaper stealth cams. I was having a problem with filling a roll with pictures and nothing would develope. The camera would say there were 24 pictures on it and nothing would develope. What I ended up finding out was that these cameras were a little picky with how you load the film. Sometimes it takes a few tries before the film would be loaded properly. You can it is loaded when you close the door and the indicator says "0" pictures. If it is not loaded properly it will say "E" Give that a try. Once I figured that out, I haven't had a problem.
Like Ghost said, go digital! Initial investment might be steep, but it is worth every last penny. I can't speak for all the digitals out there but my Cuddeback has proven it's worth over and over again. I will admit I had problems with it originally. The flash sequence was out of whack in some of the first ones they put on the market. However, They were great in handling the situation and it has been working like a champ since. I have taken over 200 pictures on it and the batteries are still over 75% charged. No need to take film to the store or anything, I just switch out my compact flashcard and head home to the computer. Best of all, they are loaded onto the computer ready to be e-mailed or shared with everyone else on this site. No need to have to go through the whole scanning process. Incase you want printed pictures, then you just upload them into an album you can create on walmart's website. Tell them which ones you want and how many. By the time you get to the store they will be printed out waiting for you. All for $.19 a picture. Convinced yet? I think i just talked myself into buying another one!
Well thanks guys, I will look into a digital one for next year. The cam that I have it called the Deer Cam. It is taking pictures and I am getting them developed but the last two rolls have been of the same field with nothing in it.
Hey Hawkeye, is your camera the Non-Typical model by Deer Cam? That's the brand I have anyway. I have found that if you place the camera a little higher with it facing at more of a downward angle you can get rid of the blanks. If the tree you choose is straight just snap off a 3 inch diameter piece of branch and wedge it behind the top side of the camera then cinch it tight. This method helped me out alot. It also keeps your camera from triggering on animals outside of your flash range at night. Take the advise from above about not facing the camera toward the sun rise or sun set and you should be good to go.
Iowa1 - I do think you are kidding since I use the cheap film in that cheap camera and it does just fine. What the camera is pointed at is most likely the problem. It doesn't like the sun and it doesn't like branches and brush blowing in the wind.
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