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Deer huggers are wacko!

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Wow 17 arrows shot for each deer killed, I would go broke before I ever shot a deer if these figures are true. LOL I would love to sit down at a round table with a few beers and let these guys spew there facts out and just pick them apart. I would suggest they do a little better research and review their facts. Just Saying WACKOS
it is truly scary to think that there are people walking amongst us that really think like this. 1 out of 17 arrows fired to kill a deer, wow, really? What a bunch of S#!t. I also found the path for their "save the deer tour" to be interesting. Kind of skirts the Major deer hunting areas. Makes me wonder what Ol Marks real agenda is? Or is he really that out of touch? I am truly curious to hear the comments on this one. If you do reply make sure to be well informed and represent the hunting society in a positive manner. Last thing we need is to give this guy more fuel for his misinformed, psychopathic, wild fire. WOW :mad:
This really upsets me!! The thing that gets me the most is how they say that bow hunters only kill 50% of the deer they shoot and it takes 15 arrows to kill a deer???? To me this seems WAY off. And hunters are responsible for OVERPOPULATION!!! If it was not for hunters, it would be out of control.
"Culling" does not work. It is more than neutralized by a natural phenomenon called the "Compensatory Rebound Effect". When food become scarce, deer would naturally curtail their reproductive rate down to no fawn or single fawn. When food is plentiful, their reproductive rate would increase to twins and triplets. The ideal is a marginal "over-population" so that the reproductive rate is kept low and the population remains stable in the long term. If a significant portion of the population is culled to below carrying capacity, what is accomplished is the raising of the reproductive rate to the point when the next year WILL show a higher "overpopulation".

This might work in an urban environment where deer have no other food choice, but in a State like Iowa who is the #1 producer of Corn in the USA, deer always have a food choice.

Lets take this fanciful senario and play it out. Animal rights activists win and Iowa outlawed deer hunting altogether. What would the deer population get to in order to reach this equalibrium? Granted we would have no crops, and CWD should eventually do the trick. I say 10 million deer in Iowa alone by the year 2020.
Pretty stupid. But just remember that the only people who are going to look at his website and believe what he has to say are the people who think that way already. I like how those sites and videos (lots on youtube) pick the absolutely worst pictures and videos to display the cruelty of hunting. Maybe they should show the good ethical shots and ethical hunters rather than the exact opposite, but oh yeah, that would show that it's not as cruel as they want to portray. You can't fix STUPID!!
Some of those photos look made up to me. I think it is very difficult to garner sympathy for deer in the suburbs. From what I hear most residential residents anywhere,,want everything dead. My lawn,,my bushes,,my flowers. These,"Environmental Purists", should look to what they did in YellowStone. Bring wolves in as an alternative to hunters!:D
These people are idiots AND how dare they talk bad about the mystical flight of the arrow send this to Uncle TED
If these people think a bow is only accurate up to 30 yards I dare them to stand at 60 and let me get one shot.
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