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Deer In The Corn


Life Member
The month of July I had many sightings of deer in the bean fields and hay fields. Now my sightings have dropped off greatly. My trail cam in the middle of the timber on a trail that is usually smoking during season had no pictures on it after a week. (I did get three nice ones of me testing the camera set-up.)

The corn has now developed some nice ears and offers all the security cover a buck would want. I think the deer in my area are either in the corn 100 percent of the time or bedding very near by. This will now be my focus for camera location.

Anyone else notice a big drop off of buck sightings in the beans?
i've noticed a huge drop in buck sightings in beans. earlier this year i would see tons of bucks but now i barely see 5 or 6 a night. i did spot a monster yesterday in an alfalfa field though. most of the deer im seeing now are coming out of the corn and are walking the edge of bean and cornfields, good luck with getting pics!!
Sounds like I am not the only one not seeing bucks these days. I have only been seeing bucks on the edges of corn fields. I was going out about every night but now I have slowed down to about twice a week. I have also moved my camera to the field edges to try to catch the big boy. I ordered my digital Cam Trakker last week so I can to get as many pictures as I can these next couple months without paying mega bucks in film developing! T$
I know what you mean about a drop in big buck sightings. I haven't seen a good one in a week or two. Most of the deer I have seen this week are one the edges of corn fields. Around the first of sept, I usually see my best bucks in the alfalfa. It won't be long until the shedding of velvet takes place and the rubs and scrapes start showing up everywhere. .............
same thing. i've lost sight of most of my bucks also. I did jump a nice buck while putting up a deer stand yesterday it seamed like his velvet was drying out starting to look more like a rack.
Hopped off the tractor this morning to take a close look at the corn. Spotted a couple huge tracks right at the edge of the field. Looked up almost right into his eyes- scared the S... out of both of us. Took off like his tail was on fire. I had been mowing & puttering around for a couple hours, tractor was running 10 yards from me & he wasn't more than 5 yards from me so I think they are feeling very secure in the corn right now. Can't even guess how big- happened too fast.
Saw 50 deer this evening from a spotting platform. All were on an 8 acre afalfa field, except for two 130 class bucks in a bean field 1/2 a mile off. In the alfalfa I counted 16 other bucks, including a 140 class 8 pointer and a similar buck whose left beam fell down like a drop tine after the G-3. All of this happened between 6:20 and 8:45. What a night!
A couple of years ago I read an article about Deer feeding on corn. They said that a deers favorite time to hit corn fields was while the corn was in the tasseling stage. It went on to say that if you were planting corn as a food plot to plant it in stages so it would tassel out at different times in order to hold deer into the hunting season. Anyone have any experience that would back this up?
You can annually set your watch by when deer will start leaving the bean fields for corn. They don't like being in the beans as much when the rows have closed, and once the beans begin to yellow they'll almost exclusively move to corn and alfalfa until the beans are completely mature. Although we've not tried it yet, it would make perfect sense to me to plant a food plot to beans but put it in very late...perhaps near the end of June or so. Of course, frost would soon become a factor as well. As for corn, we notice the deer LOVE to walk down the rows and pull tassels and eat the stems. Sometimes the rows of the food plot look like a detasseling crew has gone through them. Must be something very sweet in there that they can smell I suppose. Good luck!
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