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Deer Killing Cats?


Life Member
I am sure that all of you are aware that feral cats kill a lot of wildlife.

However, here in SW Iowa they have started killing whitetails!

They are even having them mounted and displaying the heads for other feral cats to see and talk about.

So in the interest of saving the whitetail deer for humans to harvest………..kill every feral cat you see. :D

That one right there looks like a real killer! Just might jump up on a hunters lap and chalange him for the chair too!! LOL NICE
if that was my mount, that would have been the last thing that cat ever did....
It's hard to believe that that cat could sneak up on and kill a deer with the bell ringing around his neck. :)
That thing around his neck is a Kruncher stupid. Don't you know anything about deer-killing cats??
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