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Deer Movement Question


PMA Member
Looking at some of your guys' trail camera pics got me thinking....
For those of you who are getting daytime pics of bucks, are you getting them in heavy timber?
The reason I ask is that I have ZERO daytime pics of bucks since early June. This is the first year I've had cameras out during this time of year so I'm not real up on the 'typical' patterns of deer in my area during this time of year. My turf is all open country & it's been so blazing hot lately that I don't blame the deer for only moving at night, which is why I thought maybe having the shade of heavy timber would be why you're getting some daytime pics.
Hopefully once it cools down & the season draws closer they'll start showing themselves during shooting hours!!

BTW, I only check my cameras once every 2 weeks, try to do it just before a rain and I am as scent cautious as I would be as if I were hunting, so I'm causing minimal disturbance when I'm checking cams.
I'm getting them right on the edge of heavy timber, both in the a.m and p.m, first and last couple hours of the daylight.
Alot of your reasoning I think is accurate. The cameras that I get daylight pics on are close to the timber, and the cameras that I get all night pics on are in my food plots that are away from the woods. Dont put to much thought in to not getting daylight pics, the first cold snap in October all your deer will be on their feet in the daylight. I personally do not put any cams in the timber. If you run cams on the edges or on food plots or mineral sites you should have a great inventory of what bucks you have on your property come season.
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