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Deer numbers etc?


New Member
Does anyone know what areas of the state have the highest percentage of NR landowners? When/if this land gets locked up and creates a sanctuary you would expect the deer populations to grow in the area. Has this been researched? Kind of like asking which came first the chicken or the egg. NR are buying in high deer number areas but has this really caused an upward spiral in numbers in that area? I keep thinking the numbers are more a problem for the insurance companies because everyone insists on driving faster than the stopping distance they can see with their headlights, more miles driven, and the housing being built in the middle of places you expect to see deer.
I think the insurance companies oughta just pay up and put High Fence along every Highway and Interstate in Iowa.
problem solved right?
The two main factors to deer collisions, is speed, and high traffic. Just think if there was a universal speed limit of 40 mph, I bet the insurance companies wouldn't think there are too many deer in iowa. I bet there wouldn't be as many fatalities either
i think if you look hard enough you will find that more deer and car wrecks happen in or near metro areas and that maybe if we taught awarness to the drivers ed. students and have awarness videos for when people renew there licenses it would also help we have to start looking at the whole picture . its only about money for some
Do you think false claims add to this problem?I often wondered that here,like someone with alittle too much to drink goes off the road and hits a tree,they blame it on a deer.You wonder how often these false claims happen,and if the insurance companies actually use these claims against deer collisions,even though there's no evidence of a deer.
PAHunter, I absolutely guarantee you that false claims happen. I have seen it tried on several occasions.

As I mentioned on another post regarding car/deer accidents, a DNR rep told me at last years Deer Classic that I-80 has the highest number of car/deer collisions of any road in the state. Granted, its 400 miles long, but it does not exactly run through prime deer habitat. It does however have 24/7 heavy traffic (especially eastern IA) at high speeds. I thought this was interesting info.
if there is signs of a deer in the accident its goes under collison if there is no sign of deer it goes under comprehensive thats the only thing that insurance companys look at
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