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I took the 4th-14th off from work to hunt, so far I have not seen the movement i have expected. All next week the weather is going to be lows in the 40's highs in the 70's.

Extended forecast for the week of the 15th is showing cooler weather. Highs in 60's lows in 30's.

Want to be in the woods at the best time for my best shot and do not of the luxury of a ton of time to burn.

Which week would you take? This week or next???
I live in SE Iowa, and with the weather forecast here...and the movement patterns...I wouldn't be excited if next week was my vacation week to hunt!
Thats kinda where i was leaning but wanted some addional input. The week of the 15th is looking better and better.

Do you guys plan for the best mature buck movement off of dates, observed movement, or weather patterns?

Archery95- I have had this arguement with my wife to many times to remember, but I have yet to convince her yet...
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I have this week off here in KS. I have taken this week 3 years in a row and have had iffy weather all 3 years. I considered taking vacation this year a week later, but stuck with my original plan. On the ground I hunt, the 9th-12th is rocking every year regardless of temps it seems. These never ending 30mph south winds, on the other hand, are really starting to pi$$ me off!!!!
I hunt in the SE corner of the state, Neosho and Wilson counties. I know it should be rocking right now, and Im just not seeing it.

Then I had a buddy call me last night who is a rancher and said he seen a stud in one of his pastures locked down with a doe. Then he calls me this morning a 5 miles away on another place is a buck bedded down with doe out in a bean feild, he said this one was a real nice deer 140-150 class deer.

Why would they be locking down already? Hopefully those 2 does just popped early.

Ya these South winds are great aren't they?
Hard decision. My favorite time is around Halloween. Last Monday I drove from Southeast Iowa (Fort Madison) to Up past Cedar Falls and seen several bucks in fields bedded down with a doe. A few of them were nice mature deer. I can't count how many big bucks I've seen dead along side the road with busted up racks or their skull plate cut off. Nows the time to hunt. Weather doesn't matter much to them I'm guessing. Good luck.
I have an extended weekend this week. Hoping to see some good movement this coming weekend. Hoping for a nice buck, but am prepared to take a mature doe should the shot present itself!
Don't think it matters. I drove from Sioux City to Tulsa today. Saw a couple different bucks trailing does south of Omaha at about 9am temps in the 50's and saw a nice buck with a doe along a river in Coffeyville Kansas around 3pm temps almost 80. I quit counting dead deer along the highway. (Many, many in the St. Jo, Mo. area.) Hunt all day.
I Drive 30 miles one way to work from about 5:15am to lil before 6am. I haven't seen alot of deer or many road kills. Go for drives in the evening and not seeing alot then either mostly doe groups. My Vacation starts the 18th to the 28th. Take 5 days off and get 11 gotta make the best of what you got.
This hot weather won't help any daytime movement.
I'm hoping the rain forecasted for Friday doesn't come down too heavy. I have no problems hunting in the rain, but don't want to sit through a downpour. I guess if it's pouring I'll spend the day in Scheel's and watching Fred Eichler videos!
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