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Dirtbags at work!


Active Member
I was out at my place today and discovered some dirt bag had removed all of the screw in steps from two different stands. What are you suppose to do! I would bet money on some good suspects, but I would be jumping a bit to look at anyone. I will say they where likely mushroom hunting or shed hunting when they found them. I know of at lease one person around that appears to see no boundaries when shed hunting. It really burns me that this is how things are!

Any good ideas on the best way to deal with this?
Re: Dirt bags at work!

Take down your stands Jan 10th, thats the only advice I can give, sure does suck that some people do that, or you could be mean, hang the stand 20 feet high up a straight up and down tree. on the last 4 steps, only have them in enough to hold to the tree, when they grab them they fall. I would bet they would never do it again if they lived
Re: Dirt bags at work!

Thats sucks, really you can't do anything about it except takeing your belongings out with you. I woulld't leave tips hanging out of the tree like liv4rut said cause its not worth the suffering you will endure when the kid had paralized himself and starved to be found later.. If you dont want it stolen take it out with ya...
Re: Dirt bags at work!

Stick a couple trail cameras on a tree and point them towards your stand. Atleast you would have evidence when you take them to court!!!!!

I've many a stand stolen and it really sucks. I feel for ya Ironwood. Dirtbags they really are. God have mercy if I ever catch someone redhanded.
Re: Dirt bags at work!

lol I was just joking about the making them fall part, I would never do that
another thing that works pretty good is take out the bottom steps, until its high enough you couldnt get in them unless you had more steps, thats what we usually do where we hunt
Re: Dirt bags at work!

I took the first 6 steps off a tree last fall only to have some D/H bring his own steps and take the rest of my steps and the stand, that was a nice surprise during late M/L season.
Re: Dirt bags at work!

Trespassers aren't going to think twice about stealing your goods, they are already stealing just by being there.
Re: Dirt bags at work!

That stinks I've been taken too even within sight of my house
What do ya do wish I had some good neighbors that would put a stop to it too
Re: Dirt bags at work!

Ironwood, I like Liv's suggestion. I didn't take it as a joke. The only problem is someone getting hurt on your land. May I suggest some public land nearby?

Someone has to teach these punks what their mama won't. For being conceived in a car these people sure get around in the woods don't they?
Re: Dirt bags at work!

One time I had a guy using my stands. He never asked and I never caught him in the act but I knew he had been there because of all the trash he left behind. I was getting sick of the lazy no-good so I got a wild idea to spot weld a razor blade to one of my steps and then I made sure his buddy saw it on my work bench. He asked me why I had a razor blade welded on a tree step for so I told him that someone had been using my stands and I was going to screw it into one of my setups and when I found the guy with the missing fingers I'd know for sure who the jerk was.

I never had a problem after that.
Re: Dirt bags at work!

Man I can't stand dirtbags, I've never had my treestands stolen but I did have 5 brand new gates stolen off of each entrance on my ground. $500 down the drain they sure were nice for the 30 days I had them though. Then the police busted a meth lab under the bridge that runs through our land. Which by the way is about 50 yards from one of my stands.
Re: Dirt bags at work!

Headgear, I knew it had to be you.

Well I am more than likely going get a little grief when I get home. To cure my problem I have purchased two more sets of LW climbing sticks. They where on sale for $80 and now I will never have another stand with any steps on it. The boys and I will carry in our steps every time we hunt. I hope my wife doesn’t think it to expensive, but at $2 - $3 apiece the steps start adding up fast. If you don’t hear from me again the Mrs didn’t approve.
Re: Dirt bags at work!

pocket change for you ironwood...
BTW that was the solution I was going to give...you had better buy a couple more stands now too...
Re: Dirt bags at work!

I've had a Lone Wolf ripped off of private property, so I know what your saying and how your feeling. Boy was I furious!!
Re: Dirt bags at work!

Limb what are you talking about, I heard you had all the money in the State.

Now watch the boys won't want to carry all that stuff way back in there.

MN Bowhunter if I ever do leave any of the good equipment out there I'll have it locked up and they'll at least have to bring their cable cutters, bone heads.
Re: Dirt bags at work!

I had a buddy with a similar problem. He's a police officer so his threat may have had a little more weight, but heres is what he did.

He was finding evidence of a guy hunting his stands, ie, safety belts left behind, scent containers around his stand, etc. He could not catch the guy so he made up little laminated cards and put them on each of his treestand trees. They said something like this;

"I am XXXXXXXXXXXX and this is private property. I have grown very tired of your tresspassing and I have taken measures to put an end to it. I have contacted XXXXXXXXXXX with the XXXXXX county attorney's office to assist me with prosecution when you are caught. I have installed multiple infared camera in very descrete locations to provide as evidence when you are brought to justice. According to the XXXXXX Coutny attorney, this card, as well as the posted signs that you ignored when you entered my poroperty will make a conviction swift and easy. The XXXXX County Sheriff's Department are also aware of you tresspassing. This is your final warning."

While I know that this may not work everytime but it did work in my friends case. The signs of the tresspassing stopped showing up and his hunting improved. It is a cheap attempt and could help with "semi-honest tresspassers", if there is such a thing!
From a law enforcement prospective I must agree with the others, take your stands down. It is sad that you should have to do so but it's kind of like leaving your Harley outside your garage overnight, just too tempting for some creeps.

Good luck!
It just amazes me how many disrespectful idiots there are out there. Its just goes to show you there worthless low lives who cant feel good about themselves so they have to take things from hardworking people.
I'll go the other way on this one... Just because..
While mushroom hunting this spring, I found a Summit tree stand hanging on the fence line, all be it on the other side, but position of the stand makes it clear he is intending to shoot across the fence.
I think I am going out this weekend, and if it is still there, I just might help myself, or at least remove it and stash it.
I can't help but think if a person doesn't have any more respect for his property than to leave it out all year long, he should be willing to pay the price...
No I won't actually take it, but it sure makes me wonder why a guy would leave a high dollar stand out like that..
I have to admit...about 10 years ago I took a stand out of the woods that was not mine but hear me out before you judge. I was Fall turkey hunting my dads place and came across a hunter on my dads land. He cussed me up one ridge and down another and instucted me to leave....despite me carring a shotgun. I informed him he was on the wrong side of the fence but he would not hear of it and that I was the person messing up his hunting. I told him to pull his stand when he left or it would not be there the next morning......all I got was more profanity.....Nice stand and lots of steps.....I still use it to this day. I never saw him there again......Justified or not?
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