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dirty rotten sonsabit@#'s ...


Life Member
they are at it again! some of you might remember a marauding band of turkeys that were trying to kill me with kamakae missions around this time last year. well the filthy bastards are at it again. i was coming home this morning,in the pimpsled, and i see 2 dark forms WAAAAY ahead, just past a bridge (same location as last year). i pick up speed, as it looks like i might get to see some critters. as i get closer, the first thing that comes to mind "uh-oh...turkeys". i see it is 2 hens, and they have wandered from the shoulder, to the middle of the road. i have to really jump on the brakes, as they appear to be in no hurry to avoid getting impaled by a lincoln hood emblem. i am down to about 5 mph, and less than a car-length from them, and they start to waddle for the ditch. but i don't take the bait, i slowly step into the gas, scanning the ditch from where they entered the road.....sure enough, here comes another hen, leaping out of the ditch, missing the pimpsled roof by a few feet. another takes flight, angling infront of the car, i tromped on the gas, trying to put some fear in her.

once again, spring is here....and the damn turkeys are after me.

season can't get here soon enough
Dang turkeys.You are a trip teeroy.
Not again! It’s Turkinator II.

Be careful, T. They can't be bargained with. They can't be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

Got just the setup for ya. Take a hen decoy and hot-melt glue it to the hood of the pimpsled. Cut a slit in the throat and insert a double-reed diaphram call and hot melt it in place. Next, slit the beak in half and prop it open.

Now if my calculations are correct, that baby oughta really shriek at 60 miles an hour ... you'll have to experiment varying the speed if you want to do a kee kee run.

Once you've got that set, weld a couple of sickle mower blades to your front bumper so the blades stick out about a foot in front of the bumper.

The hood ornament will get 'em gathered in the road just long enough to let the blades to the job. Then load up the bodies and leave the heads as a warning to the rest of the ninja turkeys.

i have thougt about pulling out the parking lights and mounting a couple 12 guages...bond style, but with the occastional bouts of road rage, that might serve too much temptation
Man teeroy, it must be something about your car or maybe even you.....maybe those hens are all hot over you and you're big gobbler.
NO FRIGGIN WAY you have road rage teeroy, can't see it, nope, nuh-uh, never in a MILLION YEARS
Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when George runs over the pidgeons. "We had a pact!" Anything can be related to a Seinfeld episode.
Kat, are you describing woman or turkeys or both

Next time Teeroy, don't use the brakes, just go and get yourself a few salvage tags. Although my wife hit a peecock with her Expedition and it did quit a bit of damage, she took that bad boy right off the top where the front window and roof meet. No tracking necessary!
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