Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



A good friend of mine went to the new Scheel's at Jordan Creek to shop for a pistol for plinking and ditch tigers. My friend told the salesman who waited on him that he's put in a number of food plots for turkeys and upland birds and wanted the pistol to take care of some feral cats. Not only did the guy question the use of the word feral (I've never heard of such a thing), he proceeded to tell my friend that turkeys are the reason for the decline of pheasants and quail ("They suck up eggs like vacuums) and that he and his friends shoot turkeys with high powers any chance they get. And this is a guy that is in a position to influence large numbers of people.

Needless to say, my friend walked out and has sworn off going back there and is writing the management at Scheel's to lodge a complaint.

I find it hard to believe that someone with as much outdoor and hunting experience as this guy claimed to have (he's in his 60's) could be so ignorant, arrogant and just plain stupid to actually admit to doing something like that. I'd been itching to get to Scheel's myself, but will stick to Sportsman's Warehouse and Cabela's.

i don't think i'd opt out on one store based on what one person said. writing the management or directly talking to them will take care of that situation. there's always a few eccentric nut rolls in every town it's just unfortunate that this guy happened to talk to your friend.

maybe the guy lived in another state previouisly and it was legal to shoot turkeys with rifles?? many people have transferred to that store from what i hear from my friends at the iowa city scheels.
We were in Scheels the weekend after they opened and I heard the guy you are talking about give the same speech to a guy that was looking at a rifle.Guess what the customer walked off.I think Scheels is a good store but has a employee that maybe needs to learn to keep his opinions to himself.I think he needs to watch the raisen girls on south park for some sales training.
Continued Scheel's bashing.

I went into the local Scheel's (Coralville) and asked about a Savage ML10 muzzleloader. The rep launched into a tirade about how dangerous this gun is, that it is a lawsuit waiting to happen for any retailer who carries it. My take: he's telling me that I'm an idiot who can't make an informed decision for myself. I don't need Scheel's to "protect me from myself". Did I buy a muzzleloader from Scheel's? NOT!
Okay, we've seen a couple incidents here where employees shot off their mouths. However, I hesitate to link it to a Scheel's problem. Go into any hunting store enough times, and the clerks/salespeople are going to say some interesting things. Heck, look at what happens on this site sometimes. Hunters and shooters like to talk - unforunately, some of them shouldn't. I just got back from Cabela's, and loved the visit. No stupid comments, but that doesn't mean they aren't waiting for me next time. I will be going into Scheel's later today, and hope I can bypass the occasional idiot. If someone would go stupid on me, I'll just contact the manager - no problem. I've had only good results so far.
I agree with CamoMan that I should have been more careful with the wording of my post. It really wasn't a Scheel's problem but rather an employee with overzealous views. I did not buy anything from him because of it. I have been to Scheel's since then a couple of times. I'm not going to boycott the store because of one employees views. No need to talk to his manager, as I knew I could find the gun I wanted elsewhere.
Camoman, I agree with you but don't think for a minute that the managers are necessarily better. I had a "manager" at the Coralville store look up seat covers for my truck for me. He said that they would have to order them and got out the company's catalog and price list. He then filled out a special order form for me and priced the covers on the form almost 30% higher than the ones on the shelf. Recall that I was looking right at his price in the catalog with him. I looked at it, tore it up in front of him, and won't buy anything there again, I don't care what the location!!
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