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DNR Big Buck watch list

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I heard a rumor that the DNR has a few big bucks on a watch list to make sure they are taken legally. Anybody know if this is true?
Im sure its true. The DNR went to my taxidermist the last 2 years to make sure that everybody was doing stuff right.
I know they do around Des Moines. Some of the biggest bucks in there are heavily watched by both hunters and the DNR.
I no they watch them on the refuge, use to be a few big ones a whitebreast campground between knoxville and pella that was kept a close eye on, went out there a few nights late to watch them in the open and would see the dnr hid back in places watchen over things
The DNR watch certain large bucks on a regular bases around my neck of the woods. Of course the poaching around here used to be very bad. It's gotten alot better now that people like myself have tipped the DNR off on locations that were being shined.
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