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DNR Increase


Life Member
I read in the DesMoines register that the DRN will be selling an additional 30,150 antlerless deer permits this year. The population is estimated at 250,000 to 260,000 deer and the target is said to be 220,000. Most of the talk was about the increase in vehicle/deer related accidents.

What are your feelings about the deer population in your area?
I am for the increase. I've seen more deer on our farm this spring than ever. We farm over 2k acres and its not that wooded. Plus, I drive I-80 every day to Williamsburg from IC and I've seen a bunch of deer hit this spring. In fact I seen 3 bucks and a doe this morning(not hit). The one buck was a nice 10 point with really long brow tines.
YES THIS IS AWSOME i'm and for sure buying at least 1 antlerless tag this year. It always seems like i have a big doe come under me about the first week of bowhunting. it will help the doe to buck ratio in my hunting area ALOT.
While I am not against it, I'll ask, "Who recommends it and for what reasons? Is it the DNR recommending it to keep a healthy herd or the legislature giving in to pressure from a handfull of angry landowners or insurance companies or the Farm Bureau or something like that?"
I fully agree with your statements 150 Class. It would be nice to think that it is all about the health of the herd. I don't know of any area's in Iowa that the deer are having to eat the bark off trees to sustain life. The population target definitely has some outside influences.
The insurance business has been applying pressure for quite a while.

I think the additional tags for whatever reason are fine especially where I hunt.

Even though it is a blast to see 50 deer in a good days hunt and fair numbers of bucks big and small, It would not hurt if seeing deer were a bit more of a challenge.

But that's just me.
On my property in north central Van Buren County I see just as many deer after gun season as before, so the gun season does not appear to have much of an impact around my property.
i agree with 150 but was wondering if they where going to select certian counties or if it was state wide we really have got to be carefull alot of you do not remember hunting in the 70s and 80s it was alot tougher time back then and we could do it to ourselves agian if we are not carefull
I think the increase in tags is OK as long as the tags keep being offered in counties that need them more than others. The Iowa herd seems strong in certain areas while weak in others. I feel my home county would do better with less antlerless tags, while the county immediately north of me could probably use an increase. Would hope to see a balancing effect.
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