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DNR Leadership Scandal Revealed!!!


A Few Steps Ahead Of You
Hello all,
if you live to hunt and fish in Iowa, you need to know that your ability to do so, and your kid's access is under serious jeopardy and you need to be aware of what is going on under the current administration.

The short of it is, the Law Enforcement Bureau Chief and Assistant Bureau Chief positions have been filled with two individuals that most certainly will not represent yours and my best interest.

This afternoon, (Monday, March 8th) on my outdoor talk radio show we will be discussing this very scandal and encourage each and every one of you to take a stand, contact your legislatures and make it a point to be heard!!!!

I will be interviewing retired Iowa Conservation Officer, Craig Roeberg with plans to discuss this situation in its entirety!

To be fair, I contacted Pat Bode, Assistant Director, (2nd to Leopold) and genuinely wanted their side of the story, but she accused me of setting the dept. up and that my interest was not genuine, therefore she declined to take me up on my invitation..... which speaks volumes about what is going on in the Bureau.

This is a serious issue and you NEED to get all the info before you contact your legislatures.

Today he show will be LIVE at 4-6 PM (CST) at this link. www.worldwidelocallive.com

Or if you don't get a chance to catch it live, it will be available as a podcast for download or you can catch the archived show at my site! http://outsideiowaradio.typepad.com/outdoorpursuitsradio/

This stuff is essential to the future of Iowa's outdoor opportunities!

Hope to see you there!
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I caught small bits & pieces when I could while I had some time at work & what I heard was very informative. I will definitely check out the podcast.
Thanks for posting so we can be informed!
I heard the whole interview and want to thank you for allowing me to listen in.It was very informative and I will be contacting every one I can think of to voice my opinion.
Thanx again Thomas and keep up the good work.
Interesting Podcast. Lots of good information. The DNR is spread too thin as it is, and don't seem to need more desk guys in Des Moines playing politics on the payroll. I like seeing officers in the field and when there are counties without any enforcement, there will be problems.
I shot both of my state reps an email yesterday about this and a link to your site with the podcast. I did recieve an email back today, from Jerry Behn.
Thank you for your email regarding the DNR and its policies. I was unaware of the certain examples you pointed out, but I agree 100% with your points. It illustrates the importance of finding a director that understands the DNR and not one with an agenda.

I visited with Senator Black (chair of the Senate Environment & Energy Independence committee) about your concerns and I do support his attempts to address your concerns.

Thank you for your desire to preserve the DNR's greatness.

Thants great!!! I Actualy had plans to have senator Black on my show this last week, but due to obligations on the senate floor, he had to reschedule. April sometime at this point.

I will keep you posted
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