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DNR Website


PMA Member
Anyone else struggling to find their way around the new DNR site? Specifically, I have been unable to find the link where you can check on how many limited quota tags are available. County antlerless, statewide early muzzleloader, etc. Any help would be appreciated...thanks.

Go to "Hunting", click on "Deer Hunting", then it is a blue link below, "Limited Quota". I agree that it is hard to find. The new site is not quite as user friendly.
The new website looks a lot like other states, I do a lot of out of state big game hunting. They are all impossible to find what you are looking for. Try going to the IDNR and just finding hunting regs, you can get there, but I dont understand why they cant just say huntign regs somewhere.

Typical government crap, they probably spent a couple mill on it too.
Same deal here, it was a struggle to order trees and now finding the limited quota tag #s is kinda a pain. Thanks for the link though Travis!
The new website looks a lot like other states, I do a lot of out of state big game hunting. They are all impossible to find what you are looking for. Try going to the IDNR and just finding hunting regs, you can get there, but I dont understand why they cant just say huntign regs somewhere.

Typical government crap, they probably spent a couple mill on it too.

Thats the truth! I know they have a lot of information to keep on there thus requiring a deep and intricate site, but this is NO improvement from the older one.
I have been watching the sale of Eary Muzz tags since they went on sale this morning. Wow are they smoking through them! I bet they are gone by tomorrow! As of 12:30 there were 3954 left out of the total 7500 available. Les than an hour later they had sold three hundred more! Better get to the store boys if you want one! :way:
This is going to be a record...right at 2000 left at 7:30 pm! Glad I picked mine up earlier in the day!

And thanks a bunch for the link CI. I cheated and bookmarked it so I don't have to navigate the jungle :D

This new site is worse than the old one. I have been all over it to see if I could find the quota tags on my own. Not happening. Gonaa have to cheat I guess.

Got my EM tags today. Just gotta get vacation time to hunt it.
It is a pain to find stuff now. Seems like the search box doesn't help a whole lot either.
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